Realistic Rain Sound


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This mod changes the rain sound into realistic sounds

Author: Jurriuuh


7 thoughts on “Realistic Rain Sound

  1. LionBuster

    video? -.-

    1. Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚ I was trying to put a video tomorrow in here, but you were to fast ๐Ÿ˜› Thanks for the vid ๐Ÿ˜‰

      1. You`re welcome mate. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Remingtonh

    Can anybody comment about how this compares to “Realistic Weather Sound v1.6.1” by nIGhT-SoN?

    I’ve been using that one and it seems to work just fine with Improved Weather Reloaded 3 HD and Brutal environment HD + Sound Engine v 10.1 , with all maps.


    1. Remingtonh

      correction, I use the brutal environment mods without sound package.

    2. Well, I don’t know how other mods are being made. But I started from the bottom. It was raining outside and I just came up with the idea of recording it and put it in ETS2. Never had any other rain sound mods, so I really don’t know if it looks like other sound mods.

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