Template for DAF XF Euro6


Template for skinners.
Thank you Ohaha


13 thoughts on “Template for DAF XF Euro6

  1. 48 MB for a template its too large !!

  2. .bmp

  3. Benjamin Rushworth

    Doesnt work with the in game euro 6

  4. Ohaha, thank you very much for a template, everything works fine. Simple skin i did. )))

    1. How does this work for you??? I did correct .def files, along with the skin file itself and the .tobj but yet my truck looks like this….

      1. Faelandaea

        By “Correct” I think you mean Incorrect. This template was perfect and easily used . . . http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/545259947176847294/76824CC43B41433A55DB23B537E1EA6A21AC3B46/2048×385.resizedimage

        1. Faelandaea

          I forgot to add – be sure you don;t do like I did at first. I did the def files correct, but i forgot to rename the folder appropriately for a few moments. Be sure your folders are correct also.

          \vehicle\truck\daf.xf_euro6\paint_job for the def directory.

          yourcolorhere.daf.xf_euro6.paint_job for the def title format.

          \vehicle\truck\upgrade\paintjob for the actual paint directory – be sure to do a tobj.

          Your game.log.txt should tell you exactly what went wrong, if it was looking for textures or mat files, etc.

          1. Thanks for the reply! I got it sorted out. It was the .tobj file that screwed me up! I thought I configured it correctly, but there was one character out of place!

          2. Faelandaea

            Oh yeah. Gotta love coding – one character out of place and the whole scene falls apart!

            I’m glad you got it sorted 🙂 It;s a BEAUTIFUL truck to paint.

  5. @DFS_TV there’s a problem in the material & def files of ur skin

    1. Alright! I’ll have a look though again, thanks for the reply!

  6. Faelandaea

    Thank you VERY much, Fred. I decided to test the Beta and I am liking the E6 thus far – time to get the fleet colors on her 🙂

  7. Esta vida loca


    Not a realy detailed texture. Only for simple full colour skins with less details! Unclean!

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