Balkan Radio Streams

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Balkan Radio Streams from Serbia, Macedonia, Croatia and Bosnia

Author: Balkan Driver


6 thoughts on “Balkan Radio Streams

  1. my friend its NOT Macedonia its F.Y.R.O.M.
    [Former YUGOSLAVIAN Republic Of Macedonia]

  2. On serbian we say makedonija and i think they sayed it to !!!
    dont change politicals name and colloquial

    1. have mercy man!!!just read history books and search it for your self you will see the truth my fellow orthodox.

  3. I am serbian/orthodox so i know have we from Balkan name our neighbours!!!!
    did u download it ?

  4. my man I am greek\orthodox and we just not want any
    “country” to steal our history and if there are people who believe scopje is Macedonians from Alexander the Great are just ignorant of history
    and yes I downloaded

  5. Julian Vladichki

    where is Bulgaria its balkan country too?

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