Drivers return with Jobs v 3.0


Author: T-Bone


15 thoughts on “Drivers return with Jobs v 3.0

  1. VIDEO???

    1. la ce-ti trebuie video? Titlul modului e doar foarte clar. Deci nu-ti ajuta aici nici un video!

      1. as vrea sa vad daca merge bine

        1. pai nu ai cum sa vezi in video cea ce face acest mod. Acest mod face ca soferii firmei tale sa nu se mai intample sa faca curse goale ci sa aduca mereu un venit firmei. SI acest lucru nu ai cum sa-l vezi pe video

          1. ms

  2. PLZ video, dont now what the mod does?


    I dont understand what is this mod but ok

    1. If i understand correct this mod lets your drivers/chauffeurs not come back without a load and is tested in 1.11.1 if im remembering correct cause i saw it earlier with other author but exact same mod name.

      Hope this helps to understand the mod.

      1. xX_BLACK0FACE_Xx


  4. trucker richy

    For those of you that don’t understand this mod, I shall explain. There is a clue in the title of this mod, it means that there is an increased likelihood that any driver you employ will return to their home base with jobs. Sometimes Drivers you employ do not return loaded up, so therefore make a loss, this mod decreases that chance…..Hope I was clear enough

    Trucker Richy

    1. bravo! 🙂

    2. xX_BLACK0FACE_Xx

      Thanks man 🙂


    WOW can’t believe you had to clear that up?????

  6. Александр

    на v проверяли ? конфликт с ценами на груз ?

  7. does this mod work?

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