ETS2 Economy

Mod to have many money in the game
Base Revenue per KM : 550
Small Garage Price : 18000
Garage Upgrade Price : 10000
Fuel Discount in Garage (Percentage) :70%
Truck Count for On-line Purchase : 5
Abandoned Job Fine : 2500
Cargo Damage Cost : 0.00
Cargo Damage Cost factor :0
Delivery Window coefficient (Easy-Medium-Hard): 6200.00 – 6500.15 – 7500.40
Fixed Revenue : 55875000
Revenue Coefficient per KM (freght market) : 15500.90
Revenue Coefficient per KM (Cargo market) : 15500.80
Cargo Delivery Experience : 10.0
Parking Experience Bonus (Easy) : 177500
Parking Experience Bonus (Medium) : 177500
Parking Experience Bonus (Hard) : 177500
Parking Experience Bonus Double (Easy) : 188500
Parking Experience Bonus Double (Medium) : 188500
Parking Experience Bonus Double (Hard) : 188500



5 thoughts on “ETS2 Economy

  1. Ou est l’intérêt de gagner plus de 2 milliards d’euros par livraison? Pour le reste de ton mod,ça va,mais les revenus sont trooooop élevé et c’est totalement inutile.

  2. this is a moneycheat not a economymod xD

    1. Absof**kinlutely1

  3. VinniBiesiuYT

    What is the point of playing the game like that? You got Everything so why playing? This is nonsense and a typical cheat. Play normally and have fun playing the game, not completing it in a Second with a cheat

  4. mod useless

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