Froeslev Wood Trailer

Froeslev-Wood-Trailer-1 Froeslev-Wood-Trailer-2

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Do not re-upload to another site, but your welcome to post it on other sites, just keep the original download link.

Author: Dr Donkeypunch


5 thoughts on “Froeslev Wood Trailer

  1. More danish trailers plzzzzzzzzzz what about a danish trailer pack that cut be cool 😀 !!!!!!!!!! but how do you make your own trailers 😀 flere danske trailere tak 😀 hvad med måske en dansk trailere pakke kunne være så fedt 🙂 men hvordan laver man sine egne trailere 😀 !!!!!!

  2. How about more scandinavian trailers in general, would love that since i’m from Norway myself.

  3. DrDonkeypunch

    Hjelloo 🙂
    Jeg er dansk, men jeg skal nok tage den på engelsk ^^

    Im a sponsor for a Danish livestreamer, Danishflipper, thats why some of my creations are in his name, with his trademarks 🙂
    But yes! A Danish/Scandinavian trailer pack is a goal at some point. But, there is already some Scandinavian Trailer packs, and im just kinda reworking, tweaking and creating new skins for the trailers, that already exist, or not. Sometimes it takes a lot of time to design the trailers, and try to make them as realife as possible, depending on how easy pictures and logo’s are obtainable. I just dont want to take any shortcuts to quickly finish the mods, i want them as close to perfect as possible.

    The next “issue” is if we just look at the danish reallife trailer, there’s a lot! And if I should try to cover any other countries’ trailers aswell im never going to finish, ofc that is also a good thing 🙂 ^^

    I love doing this, and comments like your’s make it worth the work. But, if you have any requests(or just some trailers that would be nice to finish) just say so, you’re also welcome to maybe write a .txt with name of companies, upload it somewhere, so i can download it, and work on those 🙂

    -Thank you guys 🙂

  4. du må gerne lige tage den på dansk også da jeg ikk lige er den bedste til Engelsk 😀 men så du mit spørgsmål 😀 !!!

  5. DrDonkeypunch

    Altså, den måde jeg gør det, er at designe layoutet efter en template som passer til en bestemt trailer, og så erstatter jeg nogle base filer, og skriver nogle nye nævnere til, så der ikke bliver erstattet nogle trailere i sidste ende. Bare så der er 100% chance for at de ikke ødelægger noget andet. Og så til sidst når det hele passer og ser fantastisk ud, så låser jeg filerne, og lægger dem op 🙂

    Hvis ud selv vil forsøge at skinne trailere, så vil jeg anbefale at du spørger på youtube 🙂 Ellers bliver forummet her jo fyldt op 🙂

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