Italy Rework pre-alpha 1.0

This mod Rework Italy, and the only DLC that you needed is the Italia’s DLC.
I know that the mod don’t is perfect, but it’s a Pre-Alpha.

Changelog Pre-Alpha 1.0

Pescara Rewok (the highway of Pescara has been expanded, but i’m recommeded to don’t overcome the Val Pescara’s exit, cause it’s full of bugs.)

The A14 Highway have new signs, but some are missings, in the Beta there will be more.

Add the city of Chieti, for now it’s very small.

Add the city of Teramo, for now it’s very small.

In the after version i add more things, thanks!




7 thoughts on “Italy Rework pre-alpha 1.0

  1. Iacovangelo Vincenzo Daniele

    non va il gioco non me lo fa attivare

  2. EmanuGaming

    hello, I’m EmanuGaming, I’m the creator of: Italy Sign Rework…. I noticed that you always uploaded the mod on Italy… since my mod is also based on Italy, I thought about collaborating together
    if we want to have a chat on discord for some advice and maybe see your modding skills, my id is EmanuGaming#7373 🙂

  3. wiktor wyduba

    comeee si installa?

  4. Vendredi Soir.

    Hi i got an Idea for your mod add the mont-blanc would be insane

  5. Anche se è solo un Pre-Alpha, e giustamente ci sono ancora qualche bug da correggere (ad es. la strada Giulianova/Cologna, oppure zona Pescara/spoltore), l’idea è veramente fantastica! Mi piace moltissimo. Complimenti all’autore per la bellissima idea e per questo fantastico progetto, continua così.

  6. come si installa?

  7. vorrei aggiungere questa mod come devo fare

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