Pack of Brazilian Trailers (for 1.30 and above)

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The Pack contains 19 standalone trailers with some varied types and styles of Brazilian trailers, it’s actually an update of some mods I’ve saved, so it’s a very old mod, just updated, it contains some skins errors , others have been updated, but I hope to be correcting such errors in the future, but above all is still a fun mod that manages to bring some of the Brazilian routine to the game.

Double wheels for trailers:!Rd4ETbRD!mRh0dnD1Y2kgwdULxSHwHqy2KEVFQliCoxYTNlKqkWk

Helio Mateus


3 thoughts on “Pack of Brazilian Trailers (for 1.30 and above)

  1. Waltencyr Gonçalves Filho

    o mod é interessante. uma dica. eles estão muito arqueados. tem baixar um pouco? para dar um ar de realismo.

    1. Quem sabe em uma próxima atualização.

  2. I do not like the Brazilian trucks from the high rear, they are very ugly.

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