Pendragon Volvo FH16 Truck Dealer Fix (for 1.34)

This mod is designed for Volvo FH16 2012 by Pendragon.
It was mad to prevent the game from crashing when entering the truck dealer.
It occurs when truck dealer error, physics mods and chassis mods are added. This mod resolves this error caused by physics mods.
This mod should be placed above the physics mods.

WARNING. This mode can change the behavior of some physics modes.

Have fun
Tekteker Haydar


Bu mod Pendragon tarafından yapılan Volvo FH16 2012 için hazırlanmıştır.
Kamyon satıcısına girildiğinde oyunun çökmesini engellemek için yapılmıştır.
Kamyon satıcısı hatası genellikle fizik modları ve şasi modları eklendiğinde ortaya çıkar ve bu mod fizik modlarının sebep olduğu bu hatayı giderir.
Bu mod Fizik modlarının üstünde yer almalıdır.

UYARI. Bu mod bazı fizik modlarının davranışını değiştirebilir.

Tekteker Haydar


5 thoughts on “Pendragon Volvo FH16 Truck Dealer Fix (for 1.34)

  1. bonsaier002

    please fix for sisu m,thanks

    1. I did not encounter a problem with the counter gallery for sisu. I tested it now. Maybe it’s about the version you’re using.
      I tried with SISU in the link below.

  2. this is a upload from a user not from pendragon . pendragon has closed this modifikation .

  3. @gunther
    Pendragon has closed its own mode and does not update. However, Pendragon mode works with 1.34 and when used with physics modes there is a problem with the vendor. This mode resolves this issue.

  4. This is not belongs to pendragon. Thank to him for his effort but %99 of the mod belongs to OHAHA!!!
    Pendragon is the guy who replaced headlights with Eugene’s Volvo. Also he made that standalone truck as a replace mod -very unnecessarily-

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