Real Physics Truck 02


new to physics v 1.9.2, thank you to all who have made the real
physics of the initial version of sorry, I don’t write down loans
by one because too much is made of real physics, for those who feel a
real physics make me great respect for you as a teacher to learn me.
Thank you

Physics new to v1.9.2, thank you to all that has been made of physics
real first version of apologies, credit i didn ‘ t write down one
one as too much that makes physics real, for those who feel make
physics real i ‘ m very respect you as a teacher learn me. Thank
very much

Include :
+ New Camera Mod
+ New Engine Torque
+ New Small Mirror

nIGhT-SoN , KacaK , Kyto , nfshp253 , tasos978 , dimons888, b.sasha ,
daf xt Piotr12 , Skyliner aka kutte_101 , Oscar Lee (nfshp253) ,


10 thoughts on “Real Physics Truck 02

  1. matteantonsson

    a video ? 🙂

  2. video plz!!

  3. Real Physics Truck 01 – version 2.0

    Real Physics Truck 02 – version 1.9 ???

    you know what you’re doing there ?

  4. TruckSimFan

    Patch 1.9 and up are now including more realistic physics a.k.a. suspension mods in the base game.

    All the previous “real physics” mods were not realistic at all and it looks like SCS has finally nailed it, or will when 1.9.x goes retail.

    So, this may be the end of these physics mods…

  5. Fake as hell… You didn’t do anything… Don’t bother with this.

  6. dont work 4 me, thanks anyway pal

  7. THIS MOD IS FAKE by harry kiddie potter pudding

    gents and guys… for v1.9xx



    Realistic Suspension, Engine & Gearbox
    Mod v2.0 (ETS2 v1.9+) by Oscar Lee (nfshp253)

    1. Bule Gendeng

      If you can prove it false?

      and you can make it?

      If you can make it please share here and a different.

      1. you can use this mods

        REALISTIC PHYSICS MOD v1.2 (by nIGhT-SoN)


        Realistic Suspension, Engine & Gearbox
        Mod v2.0 (ETS2 v1.9+) by Oscar Lee (nfshp253)

  8. The Kenworth Long does not need Rocking.

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