Real Volvo Open Pipe Sound

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OxyGen, Kriechbaum


5 thoughts on “Real Volvo Open Pipe Sound

  1. Mr.GermanTruck

    Test Video…

  2. PolishDriverTruck

    HD Video Test 1.28…

  3. 7367Network

    More ###### mods. OxyGen, PUT MORE EFFORT and don’t upload low-quality mods.

  4. Sr Oxigeno, no hacer todos los días un mod, hacer uno bien, que suene real y si no no hacer todos los días un mod malo esperarte a conseguir un buen sonido real y publícalo, pero no todos los días que esto parece spam acoso en la red

  5. Alberto Vasquez

    Oxygen I recognize your contributions of sounds for ets2 and I thank you but I think that the ideal thing would be that you made a sound a little more different because lately your projects sound the same, I am not criticizing your effort I am only giving you my opinion.

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