RO-Rebuild v 1.1 (Black Sea Rebuild)

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RO-Rebuild by Stefan IT.

(Imagini si trailer gasiti pe acest canal de YouTube: )

ACEASTA ESTE VERSIUNEA 1.1 (ianuarie 2020)

In acest proiect am adaugat/modificat:

-am adaugat in totalitate piloni verzi pe atostrăzile A2 și A4.

-am adaugat Poarta 10 PORT lângă Constanța.

-am extins terminarea Autostrăzii A4 cu un alt giratoriu, care este conectat cu Poarta 10 Port și o scurtătură Off-Road spre Constanța.

-am conectat A2 (Constanța-București) de A1 (București-Pitești) printr-o șosea suspendată care trece prin mijlocul Bucureștiului, pentru a efectua mai rapid traseul Constanța-Pitești.

-adăugarea parțială a satului Clondiru în joc (complet în versiunea 2.0).

-am îmbunătățit vegetația drumurilor.

-am adăugat un drum expres Timișoara-Reșița.

-am permis accesul la 92 drumuri care erau blocate cu bariere.

-am extins capitala București cu câteva clădiri și străzi.

-am îmbunătățit ieșirea A2-Centura București

-am adăugat un drum expres [normal] care leagă Constanța de orașul Ovidiu

-am îmbunătățit vamele Nădlac și Borș

-am adăugat detalii (mașini parcate, indicatoare etc.)


RO-Rebuild by Stefan IT.

THIS IS VERSION 1.1 (January 2020)

In this project I added / modified:

-I added all the green pillars on the A2 and A4 motorways.

-I added the 10 Port Bis PORT near Constanța.

-We have extended the completion of the A4 Motorway with another roundabout, which is connected with the Port 10 Port and an Off-Road shortcut to Constanța.

– we connected A2 (Constanța-București) from A1 (București-Pitești) through a suspended road that passes through the middle of Bucharest, to make the Constanța-Pitești route faster.

– partial addition of the village Clondiru in the game (completely in version 2.0).

-I improved the vegetation of the roads.

– I added an express road Timișoara-Reșița.

– we allowed access to 92 roads that were blocked by barriers.

-I extended the capital Bucharest with a few buildings and streets.

-I improved the A2-Bucharest exit

-I have added an express route that links Constanța with the city ovidiu

– we improved the customs Nădlac and Borș

– I added details (parked cars, signs, etc.)


Stefan IT (Youtube Channel)


28 thoughts on “RO-Rebuild v 1.1 (Black Sea Rebuild)

  1. Dillinger Johnny

    Thank you very much indeed

    1. Ștefan IT

      Glad you like my work!

  2. This map is standalone, or black sea DLC upgrade?

    1. Ștefan IT

      Black Sea upgrade, as in the title.

  3. Ma scoate din joc daca le activez.

    1. Si pe mine

    2. Ștefan IT

      Nu e problema mea, ai nevoie de toate DLC-urile de hartă.

      1. Am toate DLC-urile cumparate de pe steam.Doar cu mod-urile astea ma scoate din joc.Iar de la pc 100% nu-i problema. Deci nu-i problema de la mine.

        1. Ștefan IT

          Man, nu știu ce să zic.. SuceavaRO a testat live și nu a avut probleme.
          Dezactivează orice alt mod în afara de RO-Rebuild și NO SCS Barriers și încearcă din nou.
          Verifică faptul că ai pus doar fișierele .scs în fișierul mod.

  4. Hi Stefan!
    I have a question. Are you going to rebuilt Bulgaria? Do you think the addition of new roads in Turkey? Map of Turkey YKS not nice. I think you should make Turkey map. The Turks will be very pleased. Too many downloads. Think about it.

    1. Ștefan IT

      I am from Romania. After completing the complete rebuild of Romania I am thinking of Bulgaria.

      1. Okay, dude. Do you have any other plans after you rebuilt Bulgaria? As I said, you can build Turkey. Too much download happens.

  5. Hi Stefan!
    I have a question. Are you going to rebuilt Bulgaria? Do you think the addition of new roads in Turkey? Map of Turkey YKS not nice. I think you should make Turkey map. The Turks will be very pleased. Too many downloads. Think about it.

  6. very awesome! its exactly what i was looking for, bucharest upgrade, lots of invisible walls/”x zones” deleted, feels more like real life. i personally look forward using this and i can’t wait for the next update on this project. keep up the good work!

    1. Ștefan IT

      Thank you!

  7. Czy mapa jest samodzielna czy mozna dodac rusmap 2.0

    1. Ștefan IT

      Mapa jest uaktualnieniem do DLC Black Sea, nie testowaliśmy z innymi mapami. Może działać z ProMods lub RO-Extended, ale nie jestem pewien

  8. Stefan IT

    Rețineți că pentru acest add-on aveti nevoie de toate DLC-urile de harta pentru a functiona perfect.

  9. Hi! His Genova city disappears from the map after him activating your map.

    00:01:04.574 : Map ‘/map/europe.mbd’ loading started ….
    00:01:04.703 : Excessive sector boundary detected! (sec-0002-0018, [8237, 5554])
    00:01:04.847 : Unable to find ‘City’ ” for 0x2738E91C4BC10001
    00:01:04.911 : Unable to find ‘City’ ” for 0x336AD21C05800001
    00:01:04.911 : Unable to find ‘City’ ” for 0x336F2BF055800001
    00:01:04.940 : Unable to find ‘City’ ” for 0x7A0AF909BEB0000
    00:01:04.962 : Unable to find ‘City’ ” for 0x7794BF639BB0001
    00:01:04.964 : Unable to find ‘City’ ” for 0x2C4FBD9C7A870000
    00:01:04.977 : Unable to find ‘City’ ” for 0x76E9D6BFB9B0001
    00:01:04.981 : Unable to find ‘City’ ” for 0x2C4FADE0DFC70000
    00:01:04.981 : Unable to find ‘City’ ” for 0x2C4FB09CD0470000
    00:01:04.981 : Unable to find ‘City’ ” for 0x2C4FB21CE5070000
    00:01:04.981 : Unable to find ‘City’ ” for 0x2C4FBC04BE870000
    00:01:04.995 : Unable to find ‘City’ ” for 0x2C4FACBCDD070000

    1. Stefan IT

      Hi. Try the newest version.

    2. :)))))))))))))))))))))))) vai de capul tau Stefane mai bine te omori

      1. Stefan2k20

        Bă, mai du-te dracu de prost! Tu și cu GDN și Savu Iulian, prostii care nu au ce face și fură de la alții! Furi de la alții ca să te ridici, iar apoi să cazi în mocirlă!

  10. RichardHeade

    The textures on the street signs are all bright red, is there a texture glitch with this new game version 1.37 from SCS? Can you investigate please, as this is a great mod.

  11. Can you update for 1.37 please?

    1. Hi.
      The team and I resumed work in February after almost a year of inactivity.
      The next version V2.0 will be for 1.40 and will require all map DLCs, except Iberia.
      You can stay up to date on the status of the map and see photos on the SCS forum:

      P.S. Sorry I haven’t been present at all on in the last year, I would recommend you to join the Discord server to be the first notified of updates.

  12. The team and I resumed work in February after almost a year of inactivity.
    The next version V2.0 will be for 1.41/1.42 and will require all map DLCs, except Iberia.
    You can stay up to date on the status of the map and see photos on the SCS forum:

    P.S. Sorry I haven’t been present at all on in the last year, I would recommend you to join the Discord server to be the first notified of updates.

  13. sper ca nu are virusi ._.

  14. imi da cresh cand intru pe harta :[

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