Small Router Mirror

Small mirrors and small navigation
Functional on version 1.30



7 thoughts on “Small Router Mirror

  1. how can i remove the icon speed limit?


    1. setting / play

      1. ahoj bude funkcni verze na 1.32

  2. Philip_Jay_Fry

    Paráda díky 😉

  3. Pekná práca Honza_CZ, ale mám jeden dotaz. Nevieš to urobiť tak, aby si mal #### na obrazovke súčasne poškodenie a aj počet km do cieľa, aby sa to nemuselo prepínať?

  4. can U explain how U make that?
    I like that, but I wanna have only the mirror

  5. Cconectaí

    Seria interessante se as informações fossem na parte inferior e o mod atualizado para a verssão do euro truck 1.36

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