Southern Region v.2.0.9 Map


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“Southern Region” map – to visit the south of Russia!
“Southern Region” is a new free project dealing with the development of the map of the South Federal District of Russia for the “Euro Truck Simulator 2”.
This card is perfect lovers of Russian atmosphere, the atmosphere of the South. Currently on a map of the regions represented only Krasnodar region, which consists of 17 and settlements, including both city and village. In the future, such as the regions of Stavropol and Rostov region.
Although the card is still very small, but I think it will find its “consumer” 1% 20% D0% A3% D0% BB% D1% 8B% D0% B1% D0% B0% D0% B
More details about the project:
The game world is developed by one person (the beginning of the development, February 15)
The map does not work without DLC “Scandinavia”
The game world is recreated on a scale of 1 to 19
On the map quite realistic scheme of roads, reproduced on “Google Maps”
The roads are quite realistic infrastructure, many elements of which are made according to GOST
Present new schemes of road junctions, corresponding to real prototypes
There are new elements of road marking
So far, the card is completely independent (not connected to the other)
The map is optimized enough
There are dealers of all brands

Version 1.18

Рlease keep all the propagation of the original description and original download links !!!


DOWNLOAD 109 MB Part 2
DOWNLOAD 4 KB more AI traffic

19 thoughts on “Southern Region v.2.0.9 Map

  1. the second link is dead….also both links are named part 2

    1. Глаза разуй дружок

    2. Thank you. Gracias desde Argentina!!!

  2. Абдуленно

    Карта просто охуенна!

  3. Mr.GermanTruck

    HD Test Video on v1.18.1.3…

  4. this map starts as the european map. there does not seem to be an option to change this via the playing module box when setting up the map

  5. Gostaria de saber se e´compativel com outros maps, parabens pelo mapa , ele funciona com a europa , pois no perfil manda mudar de europa.mbd ok , obrigado se for possivel deixar ele como complemento para outros mapas , obrigado .

  6. даниил

    Эта карта работает только с DLC Scandinavia

    1. Очень жаль. Значит, для более половины геймеров она недоступна… Но я всегда повторял: South will rise again! And we’ll sing someday:
      Old times there are not forgotten.
      Look away, look away, look away Dixie Land!
      Put simply, I believe that однажды эта карта выйдет без ненужного DLC Scandinavia.

  7. It works with TSm MAp??

  8. It works with TSM map?

    1. Faelandaea

      Stated in the description – it’s standalone – does not work with any other maps.

  9. Espero que numa proxima atualização , esse mapa possa ser , compativel e complementar a outros mapas pois assim deixaria o jogo muito mais atraente , e melhor , obrigado .

  10. объединитесь с rusmap было бы збс

  11. ExperimentalTrucker

    Hello. Here is a delivery plus exploration of the map. Also, there were some roads that I traveled on that did not show up on the gps/route advisor. Maybe they were not supposed to be driven on.

    Also, After I had made this video, I seen that there was a update/patch for this map. The update/patch brings this map to version More info about this is located in the video description.

    Picked up cargo in Krasnodar
    Teleported to Gorkluch
    Going 2 explore through the map
    Delivered cargo back to Krasnodar 1610km run

  12. Fix to version
    -Change The road markings on certain intersections
    -Fixed Some flaws
    -Place Improved performance
    -Fixed Some road signs

  13. Nice work, great map

  14. Если бы еще Ростовскую область к этой карте добавили, было бы просто супер!)

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