RO papildymas v2.5


Kas naujo:
– naujas Caransebes miestas
– naujos kompanijos Caransebes mieste
– nauji indikatoriai
– nauji keliai



16 thoughts on “RO papildymas v2.5

  1. BlackS0ull

    This MOD for Romanian MAP it’s brilliant. Many thanks for this MOD Traian and can’t wait to add more cities and in the end to have the entire country. You did an incredible work and can be seen that you are very careful to details. Yesterday I’ve took a delivery from Hungary straight to Oradea. Was incredible, I really had the Romanian driving feeling 🙂 With all those police cars on the road, with that Auto parks and least but not last the apartment blocks in the city and those large streets with walking alleys.

    Thank you again for your work.

    1. THANKS MAN !

  2. Well, the last time I tried this map, Timosoara was in Serbia and Logoj was in Bulgaria. Where is Caransebeş? In Turkey, probably.

    1. BlackS0ull

      Don’t forget, that this MAP is in Work in Progress MODE, so things like you said, could occur.

      1. yeah, yeah: work in progress with the same nonsensical geographic mistakes?

        usually the next version corrects previous errors, right?

        1. gilkid he is absolutely right stop your bullshit and learn geography

          1. BlackS0ull

            @paein, you don’t know so much geography as I know. Please don’t throw bullshit to this map. If you don’t like something that is free and you can benefit, start your own Romanian map with all the geography requirements that you want.

  3. achim cristian

    multe felicitari pt munca depusa, foarte frumos si mai frumos ar fi daca s-ar putea adauga aici si orasul oradea cu frontiera care se afla in ”mapa EU 1.7”. Asteptam si mai multe orase romanesti si o munca reusita pe langa dunare la severin daca se poate, felicitari.

  4. Errick_Dannyel

    Foarte Frumos! ROMANIA mea Frumoasa! foarte buna treaba TRAIAN!

    1. Multumesc foarte mult.

  5. bun mod pentru romania, te rog daca ai putea pe viitor sa faci un drum de legatura intre Nadlac si Budapesta, ar mai scurta din distante la unele curse. 😉

    1. scuze am vrut sa spun intre Szeged si Budapesta..

  6. geography errors =

    BlackS0ull I don’t need a map of Romania, but if you know how to do it correctly I will use. Not this fake one.

  7. Multumesc frumos.
    Acesta este blogul hartii.

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