AI automobilis – Peugot 407 cabrio


Autorius: Srele


11 thoughts on “AI automobilis – Peugot 407 cabrio

  1. I wish some1 could make a car mod so i could drive with the car not truck 😀 that would be awsome

  2. Johan Wiqvist

    Razor, there is many games where you drive car’s. There is even car-simulator games. And this is a truck-simulator game. So I would not agree with you at all.

    Everyone is of cource free to have their own opinion and every opinion is equally valid. So I do not judge you, only not agree with your opinion. And if you have an opinion you can not be sure that anyone will agree with you, but you can be 100% sure that there will be minimum one person who will not agree with you, that is how the human mind works.

  3. Johan Wiqvist

    I downloaded this from another site some days ago and like it. But there is one thing, the driver seems to too long for the front window, his head is on the outerside of the window.

    It can be that this happens cause of other mods I have.

    A great thing is that this car you only see some few times. So you have to be patient with if it works or not.

  4. I fix this problem.
    There is new version and with real 3D logo.

  5. Johan Wiqvist

    Srele, thank you a lot, this is a nice mod, and as I said above, but may not clear enough. The best with this mod is that it is not there all the time everywhere, it is there often engough. Hope you will make some more cars. Take good care.

  6. Mod-Loller

    lame replacing of an existing ai-car – instead of adding the cabrio as new ai-car
    there is also an ugly error in this car

    1. I made new version (fixed shadow bug):

      Why do you must be so negative?
      I put a lot of time and nervs in this mod, and this is mine first 3D mod for this game. If you notice some error please point me to them so I can fix them. But if you just want to ruin my work then you are … I won’t loose my words on you.

      If you are so smart and know better then make a new car. Any type/brend.

      1. Do not pay heed to the silly messages 🙂 Your work is good and mod GOOD!

  7. Johan Wiqvist

    Srele, thank you for your fix. It is much better now, but there is still one thing I got wrong. It can of cource depend on that I have a lot of other mods installed. The car looks great and how it should from front and side. But when I see the car from behind, the front window is missing and also the top of the frontwindow frame(I hope you understand what I try to say, english is not my native language). The driver and the rest looks great, just the front window from behind.

    And about Mod-loller, look at his nick-name, mod-laugh out loud-er. That is what he/she does, writing negative about mods he/she do not like. I do not think that the person behind that name understand that he/she just hurting other persons. The funny is that persons who do this do this on internet, if they meet you face to face, they are often not so tough.
    So Srele dont bother about a person like this.

    1. I understand what you mean. I’m working to fix that.
      People have noticed another error, rear door. I’m working to fix that too.
      I will post link here (in comments) when I’m done with new version.

  8. Admin please change dl link for DAF alcoa wheels to original link from mediafire!
    There is the link:

    Next time read ReadMe file first!

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