Amerikietiška priekaba


Ši priekaba puikiai veikia su 1.3.1 versija.
Autoriaus facebookas:

Autorius: vecc21


7 thoughts on “Amerikietiška priekaba

  1. Great mod mate, is there any chance u could a Celtic football club skin for the scania r730 pls mate

  2. Great mod mate, is there any chance u could do a Celtic football club skin for the scania r730 pls mate

  3. with any cases by ve21 …
    ‘s authorship
    Author: Big Bob.
    Envelope in ETS2: Stels
    Description: American Trailer Wabash, replaces aero_dynamic.
    Drawback: the wheels of the trailer, there are all default. How to fix, I do not know. If anyone can fix, I will be grateful.
    sorry for bad english, I use google translator

  4. roadrunner

    Hi vecc21 just added you on facebook and sent you a message to grate work converting the trailer mate

  5. tu-eres-estupido-idiota

    You’re missing one detail ,How many feet the trailer is is supposed to be printed on the side of the trailer

  6. Enter the real authors, why steal authorship? Photos from the game, even mine.

  7. Scaniadriver

    Thanks for this man – american trailer and now the w900 to drive with this…perfect.hope this is skinnable
    greets scaniadriver

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