Anadolu Haritasi žemėlapis v 1.0 BETA

Anadolu-Haritasi-Map-v-1.0-BETA-1 Anadolu-Haritasi-Map-v-1.0-BETA-2 Anadolu-Haritasi-Map-v-1.0-BETA-3

Pridėti miestai : Trabzon, Giresun, Ordu, Samsun , Çorum, Merzifon, Amasya, Tokat , Pazar , Department of Cardiology, Yozgat , Ankara, Mersin, Konya, Bor, Nigde , Karaman, Antalya, Eregli , Adana, Kayseri, Sarkisla , Sivas, Ceyhan , Iskenderun, Hatay , Osmaniye, Sanliurfa, Viranşehir, Gaziantep, Mardin , Diyarbakır , Erzurum, Elazig, Bingol , Mus, Bitlis , Tunceli, Erzincan , Agri

Žaidimo versijos: 1.8.2,,,

Autorius: Kaz1m USLU


24 thoughts on “Anadolu Haritasi žemėlapis v 1.0 BETA

  1. Work with TSM Promods DLC ?

    1. Always same questions, for each map. You can’t mix maps. If it was some kind of addon for a specific map, I’m sure it would be stated.

      1. volvo4life

        not all map mods work together because the nodes where roads connect are not the same and they bring a -value.

  2. I really dislike the dark roads.

    1. TruckSimFan

      The author of the video did this map a huge service by using the “Improve Graphics Mod 3.0” which is a texture pack that makes the game look very cartoony.

      This map is fine and uses stock textures… Which is why you can use whatever texture pack(s) you want to make it look like how you want.

      1. TruckSimFan

        *service = disservice!

  3. hi Kaz1m USLU
    I have downloaded your map but when I try to open it It,s coming up with I need a password could you help me on this one thanks Pablo(uk)

  4. must put the zip files in the mods
    Remember to change the map europe.mdb

  5. hi Fred_be
    thanks for you HELP .Fred_be….. Pablo(uk)

  6. Hi is there anywhere to post bugs etc?
    I encountered this when i first started the map in the city kirikkale. Maybe i installed wrong or something i don’t know – the buildings in question aren’t solid and can drive through them. Thank you

    1. Hy, I watch the picture and realy that is bad bug, hope the author fix the next version

  7. NaughtyBear

    This is terrible! The map is completely flat, not even a hill. And it crashes the game all the time. Even with a new profile and without any other mods turned on. It’s a shame because a Turkey map would be nice to have.

  8. I have to say the following faults have shown up.
    1. gas prices inoperative.
    2.You have to explore the map yourself with any trailer or you never get another site to go to.
    3.hills and valleys all over the map i’m on. Hauling heavy trailers is a gear shifting nightmare, but ok.
    The map has a different flair for being plain but at least it works pretty well so far. covered 5 cities so far and going for more—-

  9. Need to fix the driving stability.
    Especially at the fast transport.
    Faster 70km/h the front wheels do not stick to on band.The truck goes like a snake.But the Kenworth Long with new tires passable.Delete the password for the economy improving. Please.Cool works.Thank you.

  10. Just finished the 1st trip, when choosing the 2nd trip, as is the map, the game crashes and goes crashing ….. even changing the city early the same crash happens during the selection of the 2nd travel, ….. at this point you can start any career!

  11. Joe says:
    March 3, 2014 at 4:25 pm
    Always same questions, for each map. You can’t mix maps


  12. I found in one city and company invisible wall..

    Invisible wall in Nevsehir ; [06/03/2014 20:58] (sec+0001-0002);5150.35;8.27121;-7855.6

    Plese convert this map in fututer 1.9 game version, map is good and wish play in future too

  13. Author I have suggestion to you please drive yourself in the game and watch every thing, traffic some times car jerking, lot of places dont have correctly hill, someplace roadside fencing hover and so on and on. I know it is beta map but please make the game much better.

  14. Nice map for a beta version. Still has some problem(so as i said beta version), but i hope the creator will fix those probs. Maybe they could delete the default county names on the map and add better graphics and objects and some new better roads and road styles.

    1. yes that too and can fix the map zooming problem that can zoom map better, some city don’t see if zoom and want see some city in west or east side of map

  15. felix(indo)

    what the pass … i don’t know ….

  16. I have downloaded your map but when I try to open it It,s coming up with I need a password could you help me on this one thanks Pablo(uk)

  17. I have downloaded your map but when I try to open it It,s coming up with I need a password could you help me on this one

    1. just put the zip in your mod folder and activate , You might have to change the module europe thingy too cant remember

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