Numerių šablonai


Automobilių numerių šablonai TSM žemėlapiui.
Autorius: 2×2


5 thoughts on “Numerių šablonai

    The original file was closed this is open. This is hacked!

    1. Your’e joking, Manu.be98. The original one is on our forum and is open. We would be glad if the Author of this mod want to get in contact with us. Why should someone with talent not be promoted?

      1. NO!! The orginal is closed!

        1. If you mean so Manu..
          everyone can download the original one and then test 😉

  2. this archve always was open.
    I just corrected and posted here. I know the official website of TSM, but I don’t know English very well, and especially the German 🙂
    Sorry about this, I just wanted to make the game more believable.
    Maddison, how I can to contact with you? my e-mail is [email protected]
    I will be happy if there’s anything I can be of service

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