Didelis Stobart Modas v4


Šis modas pakeičia daugelį priekabų į Stobart kompanijos priekabas.

Sukūrė: InsaneJericho


7 thoughts on “Didelis Stobart Modas v4

  1. Nobody Needs to Know

    Mod works great, except the Biomass trailer has a refrigerator unit on the front , other than that, truly love this mod.

    1. InsaneJericho

      Sadly I am unable to remodel trailers, so removing something like that isn’t possible for me at the moment.

      It was either the fridge or the curtain and I decided fridge was the better option.

      1. from the trailer.bio.you need to remove refrigerator,and will all o.k.

        1. InsaneJericho

          There is no such thing in the trailer.bio unfortunately.

          I’ve had a look at the trailer model in blender and it’s part of the internal model. Deleting it removes the entire end of the trailer and parts of the back doors so you end up with a trailer with a big hole.

          The only way to do it would be a complete remodel which right now is a little out of my league.

  2. Lam Ka Hong

    dead link, please fix!

    1. JimmyJoJr

      You can always find new links by using a search engine and searching IJsmods.

      Newest link is: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2Oxxa8fPZ8yTFV2N0QtQ2xYdlk/view?usp=sharing

      A lot has changed since this was first uploaded here lol.

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