Bulthuis priekaba


Pakeičia Schmitz.

Draudžiama pertalpinti.

Mike3D, Bora, SCS


9 thoughts on “Bulthuis priekaba

  1. Thanks a lot for sharing but doesn’t Work for me even if I put zzzzzzzzzzzz in fron of the scs file name…

    For information I am using v1.8.2.5 of the game… it may be because of that …

  2. I use 1.9 but what did you log file said? Does your game crash?

  3. зоран

    do you have that scania skin for download?

  4. No that one is private. Was been busy for 2 houres for that striping because it was very dificault if you don t have texture of striping 😉

  5. Joerysmink

    Ik wist niet dat Fokke noppert ook in ets te vinden is haha

    1. Jurjan Wouda

      fryslan boppe

  6. Does NOT work…

  7. audifreak1

    hoi kan jij misschien een wezenberg skin maken

  8. Jurjan Wouda

    This mod dosn’t work.
    Mike3D can you fix this?

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