Salono kameros modas


Autorius: Igor Savin


22 thoughts on “Salono kameros modas

  1. how to install the file because it is not a file .scs?

  2. Uqur0675DEAF

    thank you 🙂

  3. Very intelligent mod, maybe need a moment to use this nicely thank you for this idea

  4. works not

    1. no funciona…sera porque juego con mouse y teclado?

  5. WOW. Cannot wait to test this. never seen thing like this. A very UNIQUE mod.

  6. AHAHAHHAHAHAHA. #######. DON’T FKING WORK. NOOB GTFO. good that i backed up my controls.sii AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

    1. Nice butthurt, I’ve tested it and it worked.

  7. the movement is terrible….
    its bad bad :((((
    nobody in the world is moving head with wheel :)))

    1. no bro I do not think it works with small and pathetic trolls with #### brain and pc wooden

      1. speak engrish?

  8. how an earth do i remove this mod?

  9. TruckSimFan

    1) This is a control configuration file, not a mod.

    So, BACKUP your “controls.sii” file BEFORE installing if you don’t like it and want to revert to your original control scheme.

    NOTE: You will probably have to RECONFIGURE your controls (wheel, gamepad, mouse) after you install it.


    Copy the file to…

    C:\Users\\Documents\Euro Truck Simulator 2\profiles\4XXXXXX

    (Overwrite if you didn’t backup your original controls.sii)

    3) This adds “Look to Apex” a.k.a. Looking into a turn / Looking into a curve a lot of sim racing titles have as an option.

    City Car Driving has this option which is probably where the author got the idea from since CCD is also a Russian developer game.

    4) This tweak is good if you don’t want to mess with digital on/off look keys (Num4, Num6, etc).

    If you have TrackIR, this is probably useless since TrackIR lets you move your head wherever you want anyway.

    Hope this helps!

    1. TruckSimFan

      P.S. — Tested pm and it works really well 🙂

      To confirm, you MUST reconfigure your controls after you install it. This includes peals and other functions like activate, detach trailer, etc.

      DO NOT configure any look buttons (number pad, camera buttons), or you will lose the Look to Apex function this mod brings. Leave those at default and you should be good to go.

      1. I can’t get it to work, I even tried a new profile, nothing.

  10. THANK YOU TruckSimFan .thank you for your assistance!!! ….. after some adjustments all function. .tres good MOD

  11. Igor Savin и не стыдно, а?! автор этих настроек Hemil, вот ссылка на офф сайт, где все написано!!! этому “моду” уже не один месяц! умник, изменил в настроках пару строчек и за свой мод выдает! вот из-за таких как ты, потом на нас и бочку катят!

  12. dont work for me #####.

    1. Brian Earl Spilner

      It’s good that you are able to find humour in your own incompetence.

  13. Pour moi, ça ne marche pas, la caméra tourne trop vite par rapport au volant ??? j’ai essayé différents réglages mais rien à faire. Dommage…

  14. Is this supposed to work with keyboard-only controls or just if you’re using a wheel?

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