Challenge Roads žemėlapis v 1.0.1 Realiase

Challenge-Roads-v-1.0.1-Realiase-1 Challenge-Roads-v-1.0.1-Realiase-2 Challenge-Roads-v-1.0.1-Realiase-3 Challenge-Roads-v-1.0.1-Realiase-4

Challenge Roads žemėlapis
Aprašymą skaitykite anglų kalba

Autorius: Projetos ETS2Brasil


15 thoughts on “Challenge Roads žemėlapis v 1.0.1 Realiase

  1. wil deze graag hebben maar niet via upload file’s ,
    graag via een andere download site graag

  2. Hey this looks awesome. but does this work with Promods or TSM? and does this add to every or most companies in the game? or this is just for certain cities?

  3. Does this work with TSM ?

    1. it is written in the text : Does NOT work with TSM !
      Kids , please read, when there is something written .

  4. GenericName

    In the descripcion it says that it doesn’t work with TSM map “The TSM and MHE Project maps do not work with the Roads Challenge”

  5. Does it work with HUNGARY_MAP_v0.9.1?
    Becouse there are some empty city in the map.
    Could you connect to the existing road network?

  6. does it Works with promods?

  7. There is an easy way to find out if it works on your game, try it. And if it not works together with your other mods, remove it.

    I have latest map by Promods together with some other mods, and it does not work. I do not know if it is cause of Promods or the other mods. I tested to add it and the game crash, so it was simple to remove it and the game work as before.

  8. dont work for and i use promods v.1.0.1

  9. 00:00:17.946 : Loaded traffic trailers: 18
    00:00:17.947 : [fs] Failed to open file “/def/vehicle/addon_hookups/tc-grl.sii” in the read_only mode
    00:00:17.947 : [unit] File ‘/def/vehicle/addon_hookup_storage.sii’, line 3:
    00:00:17.947 : Failed to open the file ‘/def/vehicle/addon_hookups/tc-grl.sii’.
    00:00:17.947 : load_filtered_unit_array() – Failed to load units from file (/def/vehicle/addon_hookup_storage.sii)
    00:00:17.947 : Loaded addon hookups: 0
    00:00:17.948 : Loading resource server data ….
    00:00:17.948 : Loading road data ….
    00:00:17.953 : [unit] File ‘/def/world/road_look.hun.sii’, line 11:
    00:00:17.953 : [unit] The unit name ‘road.look29’ is already taken by an existing unit (of type ‘road_look’).
    00:00:17.953 : load_filtered_unit_array() – Failed to load units from file (/def/world/road_look.hun.sii)
    00:00:17.953 : .\management\core_resource_server.cpp(398): ?init_full@core_resource_server_u@prism@@UAEXXZ: data error

    it is hard to find the error removing mods one by one

  10. with this mod and Promods in new profile:

    00:01:27.237 : Loading road data ….
    00:01:27.242 : [unit] File ‘/def/world/road_look.hun.sii’, line 11:
    00:01:27.242 : [unit] The unit name ‘road.look29’ is already taken by an existing unit (of type ‘road_look’).
    00:01:27.242 : load_filtered_unit_array() – Failed to load units from file (/def/world/road_look.hun.sii)
    00:01:27.242 : .\management\core_resource_server.cpp(398): ?init_full@core_resource_server_u@prism@@UAEXXZ: data error


  12. Ao ir para a cidade de Budapeste o jogo fecha, versão, mapa original.

  13. Geovane Rocha ( Projeto ets2brasil )

    This map Roads Challenge is a project of my Facebook group. More information on my website and pictures of places and cities where the changes were made. The videos and pictures that were posted here does not show the changes made.

    Este mapa Carreteras Challenge es un proyecto de mi grupo de Facebook. Más información en mi sitio web y fotos de lugares y ciudades donde se realizaron los cambios. Los videos y las fotos que se publicaron aquí no muestra los cambios realizados.

    Este mapa Challenge Roads é um projeto do meu grupo no Facebook. Mais informações em meu site e imagens dos lugares e das cidades onde foram feitas as modificações. O vídeos e imagens que foram postadas aqui não mostra as modificações realizadas.

    Facebook Group:

  14. ets2brasil

    This map Roads Challenge is a project of my Facebook group. More information on my website and pictures of places and cities where the changes were made. The videos and pictures that were posted here does not show the changes made.

    Este mapa Carreteras Challenge es un proyecto de mi grupo de Facebook. Más información en mi sitio web y fotos de lugares y ciudades donde se realizaron los cambios. Los videos y las fotos que se publicaron aquí no muestra los cambios realizados.

    Este mapa Challenge Roads é um projeto do meu grupo no Facebook. Mais informações em meu site e imagens dos lugares e das cidades onde foram feitas as modificações. O vídeos e imagens que foram postadas aqui não mostra as modificações realizadas.

    Facebook Group:

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