Spalvotas žemėlapis

Colored-Map-1 Colored-Map-2

Spalvotas žemėlapis visiems žemėlapiams

Autorius: Malcom37


14 thoughts on “Spalvotas žemėlapis

  1. can works together with rusmap_ver_1.3.5_for_ets2_1.12.1+TSM_Map_5

  2. good good good job Malcom37 Is what you can expand the map to Russia please

    1. what map used in picture

    2. Hi Poutitine which map mod are you using seems to have more detail nd area than wht i currently use??

  3. @poutitine…..yes i can do that

    1. it will be cool!


  4. @Human…..TSM 5.1.2

  5. Embargo for Rusland, Malcom37.

    These users support and has voted Vladimir

  6. Vielen Dank!

  7. thx for sharing

    Could you extend/expand to area map Eastern Express by Valera_t and Morozov addon?


  8. zia azemira

    i have promods 1.7.1 and not work 🙁

  9. zia azemira

    i have rusmap_ver_1.3.5_for_ets2_1.12.1s+promods 1.7.1 and doesn’t work 🙁

  10. not #### Morozov addon card is sloppy as #### Russia Map Express v 3.8 no point in talking “is not etale on ####” !!!!!!!!!!!

  11. thx for sharing

    Could you extend/expand to area map to fit Eastern Express by Valera_t/Morozov and/or RusMap?

    please, fix the zoom, the roads are over sea in level 3,4…

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