DAF Trans Gernad tekstūra


Testuota su ir 1.3.1
Autorius: Freddy J


14 thoughts on “DAF Trans Gernad tekstūra

  1. Thanks Freddy, looking good.

  2. Freddy Jimmink

    Thanks mate, and i am looking forward to see the scania Trans Gernad from You,



  3. So simply, but not bad. Why the color over wheels is in different tonality??

  4. Freddy Jimmink

    When de we see a skin or any other mod from You man? You really dont know what You’re talking about!

    For You teh next saying is: Ph Lord, please let me keep my big mouth shut, untill i know what i am talking about!

    (simple, puh…. The kid has to let his brains checked!)



  5. Like you always say, i only leave my opinion. We are in a free world little child!!;) So stop cryng and learn to make skin!!;)

  6. Freddy Jimmink

    Oh mo! Mot again!

    1st You are the child
    2nd From You there s no mod known,
    3rd does Your parrents know You are awake?

    And You are acording to me family of the banned Faker, so please stop commenting?



    1. What??
      And sorry, where are known mod by you?? The only known mod by you ops sorry… the only known mod with your name are mod of others skinner that you steal…XDXD
      Ahahaha!! You’re so funny!! Ahahaha!!!

      Good night strange man!!


  7. Freddy Jimmink


    Proof what i steal or heve stolen, write to admin and report abuse! But leavee me alone! I am doing my hobby and i don’t have to accept Your childish disturbed behavior!

    So go do something interestin and write Your complaints to admin,

    Mr Admin i hope You read this too, is it possible that Randy is leaving me alone please?
    I wanna do my hobbu and not alway bieng kindergardencop,

    Thank You,


    Freddy Jimmink

  8. Only you can despise others work?? I don’t care. You are the only in this forum that write bad things an all skin mods that is not your. here the only child is you!!! Grow up and learn to have respect for other people and for other mods!!You pollute this forum with your diserspectful comment!! Leran respect man!!!

    And with that i finished

    By strange man….

    1. I mean bye bye…;)

  9. Freddy Jimmink

    So as You wrote i have a meaning and i say what i think, and than the next ne gado, You must learn to read!

    This is hat You wrote at teh same skinned Scania by my friend Per:

    Randy m says:
    March 20, 2013 at 10:30 pm

    Great work, and nice skin!! It is very beautiful and detailed. But i never use this kind of skin in my game.;)

    This is what You wrote about the DAF skin:

    Randy m says:
    March 20, 2013 at 10:35 pm

    So simply, but not bad. Why the color over wheels is in different tonality??

    While i wrote in my intro:

    Thanks to Per_DK who asked me to make this truck,

    Also thanks to Roadhunter for tuningpack DAF,

    With this i will show that all of your accusations are based on thin ice, and/or lies, and the future will see who has right!



  10. Freddy Jimmink

    **Sorry for faults in my texture, but keyboard has problems and i am a Dutchman


    Freddy Jimmink

  11. I wonder why ” in the description ” and in the very silly argument comments here aswell,
    you claim you Made this truck ?

    you made the skin, and uploaded it, That much is true & thats all.

    perhaps you should be asking the Admin to change your misprint, rather than asking them to babysit you.

  12. Sarfaraazkhan

    hi freddy i cant find the file can you upload it again

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