Daf XF 50Kedas 2.5 Tiuninguotas variklis


50kedas ir Gotach88


4 thoughts on “Daf XF 50Kedas 2.5 Tiuninguotas variklis

  1. Tinardirith

    A new engine doesn’t need more than a kb or two of data, you dont need to reupload the whole truck. 244 MB for an engine?

    1. im new to moding so i havent learnd that yet, is it a problem to download a whole truck? i dont think so…

      1. Tinardirith

        Some users want to save storage space and some people have limited bandwidth. Others have modified files in their truckmods and don’t want to change for your files. It’s totally unnecessary. All you have to do is to delete all the other files and reupload. I think seeing 244MB is a dealbreaker for most people.

        Don’t take this as I’m just complainin. I’m trying to give you constructive feedback and I want to welcome you to the modding community 🙂

        Your mod does not add a new engine. It replaces the 510, not the best way to go. Also your nm data were not very realistic compared to the 680HP you wanted. Here is a file you can use. Open it and check out how i did it. You can keep your credits 🙂


        Best regards / Tinardirith

        1. okey, thanks for feedback, i learn more and more each day, appruciate it. i looked in the file you linked and now i understand how to do 😀

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