DAF XF WnD su priekaba


DAF vilkikas su nauja priekaba.

Autorius: Ashley Johnson


50 thoughts on “DAF XF WnD su priekaba


    1. What a #### mod

      Well, your officially blind

    2. do you have to buy it on internet ?

      1. Ashley Johnson

        no you do not 🙂 this is free and also fully unlocked

  2. is this a tandem

  3. Is that the only trailer

  4. AMAZING WORK.Have tried it in all maps in 1.3.1 and worked great as 6×2 and 6×4 🙂

  5. Hi,
    where must I buy it? 🙂

    1. Klick Klack Klick – ###

      Daf Trucks ? buy by Toyota

    2. LegoLeipzig

      Ich finde den auch nicht, dafür haben jetzt ander LKW schwebende Hänger.
      I do not think the, for now have another truck floating hanger.

    3. LegoLeipzig

      Nach 2mal neu Starten war Er doch da.
      Kannst aber wirklich nur diesen Trailer nutzen alle anderen klemmen so drunter das ein Fahren nicht richtig möglich ist.
      Übrigens das erste mal das die Druckschleuche wirklich zu sehen sind.

      After 2 times Restart He was still there.
      But you can really only use this trailer as all other terminals underneath the one driving is not really possible.
      Incidentally, the first time that are really going to see the Druckschleuche.

  6. Scaniadriver

    Good work ashley – hope to see more from you in future

    1. Ashley Johnson

      Thanks Scaniadriver. I hope to bring more mods to you guy’s in the near future 🙂 !

      Best Regards
      Ashley Johnson
      A&R Simulations

  7. Ashley Johnson

    guys thanks alot the download has reached 812 downloads…. well done and i hope you enjoy the truck!!!!

  8. Is it a stand alone? Can i stil drive with normal daf trucks?

    1. Maarten Willem

      Yes you can Kaimo

    2. yes, I’ve tested it today. It is only modified 6×4 axle (longer). Cabin is not changed.

      1. p.s. only 6×2 and 6×4 axles are made longer. All the rest of the truck is not changed.

        1. Thank you

  9. What a #### mod

    what a #### mod

    1. So, make a better one or just shut up.

      1. What a #### mod

        i could

    2. ——what a #### mod——

      What a #### post

    3. Ashley Johnson

      Don’t download it then 🙂

  10. Ashley Johnson

    reason for only 6×2 and 6×4 is the AI would have trailers up there ### if i did it in 4×2 🙂

  11. how to edit?

    1. Ashley Johnson

      Hello Von J. I use Zmodler 3 to edit my trucks. It does cost money but you can pay monthly at a cheap price of about £3 a month?

      If you require any more information please don’t hesitate to email me at : [email protected]

      Best Regards
      Ashley Johnson
      A&R Simulations

  12. good job Ashley,


    1. Ashley Johnson

      thanks dude!

  13. That random dude

    Very bad. Doesn’t work for me at all.

    1. Ashley Johnson

      I do apologise. can i see your log please ?

      1. That random dude

        Got it working! All i had to do was start a new save! 🙂

        1. Ashley Johnson

          Ok sorry .. you should have just been able to use it straight away sorry for the hassle!

  14. or start – finnish a job / order truck @ DAF dealer

  15. chatonopentelho

    the magenta color that appears in the photo, is a failure in shades from the trailer?

    1. Ashley Johnson

      yes but this has been sorted now 🙂 photo is a bit old older than the completed mod 😀

      1. chatonopentelho

        Friend, thanks for your reply.

        1. Ashley Johnson

          no worries at all chatonopentelho

          Best Regards
          Ashley Johnson
          A&R Simulations

  16. Awesome job with this! Best bdf I’ve seen yet. Unfortunately I’m having issues whileusing truck shop 8.1 but still trying to figure it all out. P.s will you be making this body for the actros? I drive a twin steer bdf actros now so that would-be awesome. Thanks again awesome mod

    1. what does BDF stand for?

    2. Ashley Johnson

      Please let me know what these issues are.. thanks, in regards to your question i was looking at doing a merc but thats sometime in the future when i have a few more tricks up my sleeve 🙂

      Best Regards
      Ashley Johnson
      A&R Simulations

      1. Keep up the amazing work. Driving this beast is making ets 2 much more enjoyable for me. And got it working with truckshop 8.1 now and with some awesome extras. Is there a email address or something to contact you on? Id love to be able to help with future projects 🙂

  17. Pretty much means a rigid. Here in Australia we call this truck a HR Heavy Rigid 🙂

  18. I give you a 10 out of ten stars for the truck. havent found the trailer in any loads yet. I have a request—is it possible for you to do some various trailers for the tandem system?. I love running the tandem but nobody is doing any tandem trailers for the various type trailers. It makes it hard to sometimes to get another loads with out sleeping for a bit. Thanks.

  19. Don’t work at 1.3.1.

    1. Ashley Johnson

      yes it does. it was created for 1.3.1 😀

  20. how do i activate the DAF WnD, i went thru all trucks (Daf) but i dont see rear end of the truck extending or is the visual changes only happens outside of the Garage/Shop?

  21. cool mod. i have the exact same 1 for Scania.

  22. verry nice… and amazing.. Ashley.. can you make a long bed scania? and a japanese isuzu giga max? thanks and godspeed

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