(EN) Frosty Winter Weather Mod v 5.3

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22 thoughts on “(EN) Frosty Winter Weather Mod v 5.3

  1. instead of snow rains why

    1. Blaziken777Sverige

      I have the same problem bro :c

      1. Usually that issue is caused by a conflict with another weather or graphics mod, I think some who use OpenGL may also have this problem.

  2. i play not with hdr . is that a problem for this mod ?

    1. Those are just recommendations, you can use any settings you like.

      1. Let me just say wow ; ) If you want, I can send you a fix to Rusmap (part of dirt road from Mstsislaw to P43 is still green) . Give me your email address. Best regards.

        1. Thanks mate, I’ll check out that road on Rus Map and fix it for the next update.

          1. Super! Could You still removed harvester, tractors, hay bales and animals?

  3. hey, how can i make a darker night? awesome mod but the nights 🙂 a little bit darker maybe will be better 🙂 can you help?

  4. can you help how can i make a darker night? awesome mod but with darker night 😉
    can you help?

    1. I was planning on make the nights a bit darker in the next update.

  5. pleas upload mod to server mediafir .I can not I download servers shearemods.

  6. Blaziken777Sverige

    Exactly what i was looking for
    Thx pal! C:

  7. GameplayHD2015
    1. Very nice video, thanks, I posted it on the forum.

  8. please
    evening 19:00 morning 05:00 I want
    Do not fog in the snow

  9. The Link is broken, can you please reupload your mod on an other hoster?

  10. Lieberman

    The mod conflicts with “noBloom” mod or similar. Is it possible to make less bloom in Frosty or create brandnew “noBloom” or “lowBloom”mod especially for Frosty?

  11. Marcel1801

    for me it crashes my game when i have following map add-ons endabled:
    Promods, TSM, RusMap, PolandRebuilding

  12. Please update for ETS2 v1.25x. Thanks!

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