Kuro kolonėlės v.0.4


Autorius: by krokus


8 thoughts on “Kuro kolonėlės v.0.4

  1. what’s new on this version?

    1. petrol is cheaper 😀

    2. To ramses: New skins Companies. 😉

  2. Do I have to replace the mod with the 03 release or what?! Thanks.

  3. To PSR80h17: Individual release can not be combined. It is a whole series of skins.

  4. Oki, thanks. Nice job.

  5. Steve_the_trucker

    Excellent, so much better than the default SCS gas stations, thank you. 🙂

  6. This version seems have same issue on Eastern Express, but I removed before any crash. it seems the same .scs

    [model] Unknown look name ‘tnk’ on model ‘/prefab/gas/gas_station.pmd’

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