Geresnis oras v 3.0


Autorius: BlackOpen


41 thoughts on “Geresnis oras v 3.0


    very nice 😀 thanks

  2. какая версия?на 1.9.22 с патчем 1.10.1 вылет.

    1. Guessing which version is it supporting, answer is 1.11.x (source SCS forum)

  3. Why are the headlights so dim? A readme in english would also be nice.

  4. Not compatible with ZX-Brutal-Environment-HD-sound-engine-8.1.
    Changes road textures and the overall brightness. :((

  5. Awesome mod, love it, keep it going

  6. whats the diffrence between the 2 files

    1. Tried disabling the smaller one. I think it’s for the lighting.

  7. FRANC3SCO 90

    I tried to use it on the 1:10 version of the game crashes but I’ve also tried a new game and the same goes in crash! I do not know why those who help me please ….

    1. I think tis mod is only for 1.11.x

  8. Nimeni_Altu

    hey man, you make an awesome mod, just a few things you need to repair a little!
    – 1.You maked 2files, 1file, you need to keep 1file just with weather, not with other things like here, with lights, flares, left/right signal!
    – 2.The HDR is to darker!!! at least from inside!!!
    Like i say, Best Mod for WEATHER :))))

  9. BlackOpen, и с каких это пор ты стал автором мода???? Ты не автор, а воришка…. Пожалуй не воришка, а ВОР!!!!!

    1. Прошу прощения, инцидент исчерпан. Беру свои слова обратно. Илья, ещё раз изаини за недоразумение.

  10. Great mod, but I agree with Mimeni, please separate the weather from the rest. Some of us ONLY want the weather, which is great work. Thank you.

  11. Tribaltech

    this must be compatible with the new TSM, or I get angry 😉

    1. Chickenegg01

      well, its not sadly

  12. Tribaltech

    I’m sorry, but where is the link for the HD version? 639MB

  13. I don’t know what is worse, your mental issues or English grammar. The only weird thing is… What are you doing here then? lol I love these internet hooligans.

  14. Nimeni_Altu

    ……….and there is only CLOUDY DAY!!! very dark!
    i want to see sunny day, that light from the sun!!!
    if is not raining i want to see SUNNY DAY!
    if is raining its still do dark even on middle of the day! and the night is very darker, NO STARS, the truck DONT SHINE at the light of the moon!
    and if there is full moon it has to be a little brighter the night!!!

  15. Excellent! Spassibo drug!

  16. Stop locking your files its useless with the SCSunpacker anyway unpacks anything 😉

    for anyone that just want to weather you can edit/remove files with it just re-pack to .scs after

    1. Which files do I remove? Some of us are retired truck drivers, not programmers.

      1. Nimeni_Altu

        hey MR.PLOW:
        – delete the “df” folder from the mod, the “df” folder is in “automat” folder, there is the left/right signal, flare, lights from traffic!!!

        1. Almactavish

          Hi Nimeni, Do you delete it from both mod files?

          1. Nimeni_Altu

            i dont use the smaller file!
            the smaller file is for lights!!!
            only from the larger file i delete that “df” folder!

    1. Almactavish

      I think that might be a mod conflict. I had that with one of the Lighting mods and the earlier version of this mod.

  17. Almactavish

    I ended up rolling back to the previous version of the mod, everything looks great as expected but there is a huge amount of fps loss looking out the drivers side window when it is raining. As much as the rain looks and feels incredible its just not worth the drop in frames for me. Excellent work all the same!

  18. Nimeni_Altu

    And one more thing, everything is perfect between hours 09:00AM – 11:00AM, after that is starts to get darker, the weather is looks like outside is freezing….
    the sky sometimes looks like 8bits!

  19. очень хорошо! спасибо!
    Very good! Thank you!

  20. My Love For You is Like a Truck

    Has some conflict with LAUTUS 5.0 where flickery straight line shadows appear. Night time headlights also need work.

    Otherwise, good work

  21. Tribaltech

    both files must be activated together or not?

  22. Chickenegg01

    Please make compatible with TSM 5.1.1, both mods are great, i would love them to work together.

  23. great, great mod, however, with the new rain, the drops don’t always fit the windows, like they don’t reach the edge of the windscreen.

  24. Great work!! Excellent!!

  25. Is it compatible with promods 1.71?

    1. Fix displaying maps for v 1.12
      Fully displayed Russia, Scandinavia, Africa.

      1. SEPARATE GOD #### lights and other craps inside from weather!!! Yeah weather is very good, but other things are BULLSHIT!

  26. Not work with TSM 5.1.2. The previous version of the mod (Improved Weather Reload 2.0r2) works well with TSM 5.1.2.

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