International 9300 tiuningas


Tiuningas International 9300 vilkikui

Autorius: TugaTunning


18 thoughts on “International 9300 tiuningas

  1. please give proper downloadlink, not by social media

  2. daugiau nuotrauku

  3. MidniteTrain

    Nice work mate. thank you. I just love driving this truck.

  4. Beau camion, mais impossible de le télécharger, dommage….

  5. Slim Shady

    Any higher power engine for this truck, more than 3000+

  6. TugaTunning

    Greatings wanhoop

    This is a free mod, uploaded freely and a direct download link cost Money.

    Sorry but stay like it is…
    Thank you

  7. TugaTunning

    Greatings Edgaras

    Soon we have a facebook page with all the photos…

    Thank You

  8. TugaTunning

    Greatings Midnite Train

    Thank You and have a good journey with your truck…

    Thank You

  9. TugaTunning

    Gratings Droopy54

    The truck does not download? You mean you can not dowload the truck or our file?

    Thank You

  10. TugaTunning

    Greatings Slim Shady

    Higher engines in progress but not avaiable for now.
    Soon… 😉

    Thank You

  11. Where can i buy the truck in the Shop?

  12. TugaTunning

    Greatings Justin

    You can buy it in DAF dealer.

    Thank You

  13. mercure007

    good mod and The onboard computer is complete but display unreadable. Is it possible to make a display bigger or brighter or both? Thanks

    1. This guy just edited some text files.

      Ask truck creator “Panther”.

      1. TugaTunning

        Greatings Heidi

        Do you have any problems with the mod?

        Thank You
        Tuga Tunning

    2. TugaTunning

      Greatings mercure007

      Sorry, but whe don’t going to do it.

      Thank you

  14. Thank you for the mod, makes this even more fun to drive, can you do the same for the Kenworth K100

  15. marchamilton

    need this truck for the new ets2 v1.15

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