Iveco Tector


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Beta versijos Iveco Tector vilkikas.

Versija: 1.3.1 iki 1.9.x

Helio Mateus


30 thoughts on “Iveco Tector

  1. Sorry, but .. that is just .. ugly !

  2. volvo4life

    ### is that #### and your voice sounds horrible in the video

  3. Vergonha… por estas e outras somos odiados no exterior.

  4. ClassicDutchTrucker

    Looks horrible.
    Please stop doing these mods, they ruin the website.

  5. Ddddat voice…Curse of Chucky ### :))
    And the truck, ### epic job, scs must hire you asap. (joking lol).

    1. lol XD

  6. Woow that is a ugly truck

  7. This website definitely needs a kids section…where all the toytruck mods can be dumped…you know…#### ugly trucks that go 240 kmph etc.

  8. The worst thing is that here in Brazil use these antennas…

  9. But – a good truck for fishing as i see :))))))))))))

  10. truck taek ta iki

    1. longlinerv8

      all that brazil junk en #### must by to throw off the brazil they do not even know what a truck is.
      and what it should

      ###### trucks

    2. LOL wkwkwk xDxDxD

  11. This is BR style xD

  12. Midnight Rider

    Oh c’mon! It’s not bad, i think this could be a good mod for “Need for Puke”…

  13. Hhahah your your right :p

  14. Hey man… calm down… talking this way you may offensing another ones…
    I guess if you really come down here in our jungle… kkkkkk you would’t take that much…

  15. rallisport

    @ MaxSenz Just how old are you son. No need for all of that. I think you need to calm down just a little bit….don’t you think?

  16. In my oppinion i think max is seeking a response to his comments and i also think he doubles as another few users on here and is what you could call a troll

  17. The truck is fine if you like this type but please at least give the guy credit appreciate he maybe new to modding and also he is doing this for free no money if you need to give critisism give it fairly and with respect. Also remember childeren use these pages to download trucks. Would you like your child to read this and would you like your child to use this type of language i think not. Just please give fair critism or praise lets keep our community fair and clean guys as everyone who produce skins or mods does it to make our game better we have the option to use or download mods or skins or not at the end of the day if you want mods or skins show respect either that or i wished the moderators would use technology of ip adress and ban those who abuse and use foul language it isnt needed anyone agree

  18. I dont understand peopel that says: This kinde mod is horribel and it is ruining the site… there is other peopel in this world that likes this kinde mods … So if you think that this looks horribel and it is ruining the site, it dosent mean that other peopel thinks the same.

    (Sorry for my bad english)

    1. ClassicDutchTrucker

      It’s a European Truck Simulator. Not a Brazil Truck Simulator. Most of the players who play ETS2 don’t like these mods, only a few do.

      1. And the internet wasn’t originally invented for what you’re using it for, but yet here you are.

        This site is about mods, so people can make the game how they WANT it to be, not how it was INTENDED to be.

        Brazil has a larger population than several of the European countries featured in ETS2, COMBINED. So your estimation of people interested in Brazilian themed mods might be a slight understatement.

        1. “Did i say they can’t make these mods?”

          No, but you did ask them to stop making them. Did I say that you said “they can’t make these mods”?

          Well if you want to use useless statistics that don’t actually prove anything..

          2 people “liked” this mod via facebook.

          That’s 2 more “likes” than some Euro-based mods here receive.

          The comments you are talking about are made by non-Brazilians and specifically those who don’t want to see Brazilian-based mods (regardless of quality) because it’s not what THEY want.

          The number of people who comment on a mod does not indicate it’s popularity. Thus even a 100% disapproval of a mod as seen via comments does not make an accurate reflection of the popularity of the mod (nor does facebook likes).

        2. ClassicDutchTrucker

          Well, you’re right. I don’t feel like having a long discussion anyway, so let’s keep it simple.
          If you like the truck, you download it. If you don’t like it, you don’t download it. Simple as that.

  19. from which country this truck now comes does not matter.

    factorial is: very badly done



  21. Yes it is Euro Turck simulator … and ??? they can make that kinde mods they want and im sure that there is peopel who likes this kinde mods…
    And i dont think players who play ets2
    I think you should write *I dont like this kinde mods for ets2*


      1. NepiMP3..

        *get an English education.

        *I am

        *has been

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