Kenworth T2000


Andrywka ir Ant457


24 thoughts on “Kenworth T2000

  1. So any description, anything? ….

  2. Anther imcompleted American truck. is there going to be an improved version? like marker lights on the side? the flares on the truck don’t work either.

  3. Ok here’s a rule for you guys. Once you see a Russian nickname among the authors of the mod, Don’t even bother downloading it. It will be incomplete and bugged. In this case it’s “Andrywka” definitely Russian and definitely low quality.

    1. stmalk
      387 Peterbilt and Kenworth W900L v 1.5 also created by Russian authors, but they are high quality! Modifications of Jazzycat also quality! No need all Russian under one template! Kenworth T2000 author wrote that there is no time to refine and allowed to correct

  4. russia is the country of broken quality

  5. Chrisknowseverything

    Great so glad i looked at the comments then and heres a thing I LIKE do even post unless A:its DONT B:more/better versons comeing soon

  6. Guys, you are typical ungrateful assholes. It’s a free mod. Any questions?

  7. I don’t know any russian. Maybe some hate me but…

    What I think bizarre is russians trying do their best to make american trucks, americans??? and I haven’t seen any american doing mods to this awesome trucks.

    what much mods needs is be updated. There much to v1.3.1.

    I saw a post in another site with a mod version 5.0, but into author’s website mod had version 7.0

    If I’m correct. An excellent map called somethink like “Goba…” is only compatible to 1.3.1 and he is not thinking of upgrading it because many people are ungrateful and take possession of what is not theirs.

  8. Wipers don’t remove rain (1.4.12).



        1. Also you can’t “switch off” rain simulation it has to be modded by changing weather files but you wouldn’t know that because you are clearly an #####.

          I see your logic though, because your brain doesnt work you switched off thinking.

  9. Model is awesome!!!! other stuff…… not so awesome…..

  10. Johnny Trucker

    Look at you mofo’s hating on Russian’s when you know Russian’s create some of the best mods, as of sorts, also since most of you dumb knts don’t look up that big companies such as INTERNATIONAL, KENWORTH, and FREIGHTLINER have created a MASS PRODUCTIVE company that produces trucks for the Russian market, as most believe oh its all KAMAZ, etc, Russia has developed in the transport industry and instead of buying euro trucks that are NOT build for such conditions yet AMERICAN trucks are built in a way to handle these conditions specifically CANADIAN, yes the north american trucks are SPEC’D as a Canadian truck for the North Territories, sub 0 temp , right so as European trucks are lets say brittle and made for HIGHWAY use, now that completes my point, if you want to make an argument please back it up with INFO not just some BS theory.

    1. Don’t tell me Volvo and Scania are manufacturers from tropical countries. Look at numbers of VNL in North America.

  11. American trucks are awesome a like those.

  12. After selecting this mod (only it)

    Almost at finish loading crash ETS2. Always

    My short setup:
    a) Win7 x64
    1) ETS 2 v1.7.0s (Steam – Always update automatically)
    2) DLC Going East!

    :-\ Profile basic without mods

  13. алесей

    Привет все идиотам.ВЫ натрепались,а теперь послушайте.Модель надо доработать.Исправить работу дворников,добавить светодиоды,добавить более мощные двигатели,поработать над индивидуальностью звука движка и звука клаксона.Мощная,большая машина должна иметь по праву мощный движок,мощный звук движка,мощный звук горна.Машина великолепная!Как в игре так и в реальной жизни.Работайте над замечаниями создатели данного мода и поверьте,вас за это Зауважают.

    1. ah yes….. :/

  14. Texture not found on the steering wheel on version 1.7

  15. What dealership is listed?

    1. Scania Large Dealer

  16. my review on this mod on youtube.

    Hope it will help to get the idea of the mod

  17. F. Phillips

    I am running ETS2 1.15.x with an EVGA GTX 560 card. This mod is well built and stable. I have had no problems with it, other than warning messages in gamelog.txt about references to out-of-date functions. This truck is very stable, handles smoothly, and with the 13-speed transmission and 600 hp engine performs in an outstanding manner. I wish some of the \standard\ trucks behaved as well.

    I hope the author can find some time to bring his mod up-to-date.

    Bad-mouthing the author because of his nationality has no place on this board. Before someone feels that they need to flip some #### at me for this, I have 3 years of combat duty with the US Navy. I watched the fighter pilots on the USS America (CV-66) #### little green apples when a Tupolev-95, aka the \Russian Bear\, overflew the flight deck at 100 feet. We were somewhere in the Celebes Sea off of New Guinea. The Russkis had flown out of Murmansk(?). I don’t see any \quality\ issues here.

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