Kogel SN24


Autorius: Tete_Sniper


36 thoughts on “Kogel SN24

  1. I just do not understand one thing, the author says he has 9 new skins, plus the mod has only has 3 files paint01, and paint02 paint03

  2. Now I’m gonna spell it out for you.. CAN HAVE 9 DIFFERENT SKINS. He didn’t say anything about it having 9 skins..

    1. you ######, there’s no way to put this nine skin mod they made​​, only if you modify the mod, and that only a developer can do, and I’m not a developer, just do skins, understood sues mogoloides!!

      1. Freddy Jimmink

        Oh yes You can! make a temporary map copy paint01.### files there, rename
        all files in paint4.### and paint5.###
        etc. till paint9.### and skin in all renamed .dds files Your own skin.

        Every #####, even i can do it, usefull enough?



    2. if you is not developer not meddle in this matter, ######! because if you do know that you know have given the answer, #######!

      1. Freddy Jimmink

        Read the houserules, mind Your language!

    3. if you have nothing useful to say, then shut your mouth this ##### #######!

  3. Reuploading other places = More downloads = More Recognision. So dont be ######.

    1. you ######, there’s no way to put this nine skin mod they made​​, only if you modify the mod, and that only a developer can do, and I’m not a developer, just do skins, understood sues mogoloides!!

    2. if you is not developer not meddle in this matter, ######! because if you do know that you know have given the answer, #######!

    3. if you have nothing useful to say, then shut your mouth this ##### #######!

  4. Freddy Jimmink

    Don’t lower Yourself to his attitude my friend You’re not his kind of people,



  5. No I’m not but I do care about people mouthing of on others like myself and I kindly told him that he had misunderstood. By the Freddy would you take requests if I were to make one? Since you’re an awesome skinner and quite talented with modding.

  6. By the way*

  7. Freddy Jimmink

    Thanks man and i knw what You mean, but to be nice is better hahaha

    Go to Forum and than the topic showroom i made a blog there, a little while ago, screens will follow

    If it is a skin i will take requests for modding i advise to find a modder, if it can be done with software to add something You can ask my friend,



    1. My language and according to those with whom I talk, I made a simple inquiry and two ###### ##### mouths, that has nothing to do in life, which showed the education that their mother gave to them, there had to respond to height, more do not worry I do not give stage for ######, as I appreciate your explanation, the more you have also forgotten that the files of hues, and also would have to be edited. anyway thank you, I’ll look better place to enjoy the ETS2 here is a very large low level. have a nice day!

      1. That doesn’t make a lick of sense.. Are you using google translate or something?

        1. Freddy Jimmink

          You are right it doesn’t make sence
          at all what the man says, but okay we leave the man and go on,



  8. Have in your Forum topic just so you know. 😉

  9. Freddy Jimmink

    Okay i read it, i give an answer in my blog

  10. Tete_Sniper

    lol 22 comments in 24 hours xD

    for more clarification:

    3 skins included, you can easily add up to 9 skins if you have a hex editor and knowledge of skinning

    1. Thankful Tete_Sniper finally found someone educated in this site

    2. Freddy Jimmink

      With my knowledge i don’t need a hex-editor,
      read this:

      Oh yes You can! make a temporary map copy paint01.### files there, rename
      all files in paint4.### and paint5.###
      etc. till paint9.### and skin in all renamed .dds files Your own skin.

      Every #####, even i can do it and it works PERFECT!



      1. I said, so far only found one guy brought up this website tete_sniper, kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk …

        Thanks for giving me reason …

  11. Tete_Sniper


    you cant do anything with new skins without declaring the tobj and mat files. i also were a bit lazy to only edit the first three paintjobs in the pmd, however there are nine.

    for mat files no need hex editor, can use notepad

    for pmd + tobj needs hex editor, otherwise file gets screwed up. the pmd schematically now looks like this:

    paint01, paint02, paint03, and after that 6x paint01, just change the 1 into the ascending number until you reach 9.

  12. When someone starts mouthing off in public like a lunatic usually someone will eventually be calm and nice to them in the hope that they’ll just stop for everyones’ sake.
    Nothing to do with education, but if it helps you to feel better than everyone else that’s nice for you.

    1. Great thought, you thought it alone or had help from someone?

  13. Well folks tired of you are very ignorant, provincial, something typical of East European … the last of you already has everything, does not it? …

    Ate la vista baby, foreveeeeeeeeeeeer …………………………..

  14. Well, I’ve never been called a provincial Eastern European before lol. You cut me deep strange angry/superior guy.

  15. Freddy Jimmink

    Holy sh.t! I’m gonna call my lawer, i want all my school money back the F-word basterds learned me that The Netherlands is Western!

    But Truckman from a lower educated person like me i wish You all the best and may God be with You,

    Dag het ga U goed!


  16. I’m sad he’s gone. We could have learned so much from his higher wisdom.. although you’re right, maybe not geography.

  17. Tete_Sniper

    @truckman: dont say anything bad about eastern europeans. they release lot of good stuff.

    @freddy: if you believe in God, why would you make a skin named “The second b*tch”. There are already enough fake christians, please dont make it worse…

    1. Freddy Jimmink

      Tete i don’t believ in God, but i respect peole who do, maybe Truckman does?



      1. Freddy Jimmink

        I mean truckman believes?

  18. Tete_Sniper

    hey freddy,

    i understand your point, but i think that if you are a non-believer, you cannot just use God’s name for anything…

    i also dont know truckmans situation, but please stop this war overhere xD

  19. Doesn’t work for me…. to bad ;c

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