MAN F2000 v 2.0


Patobulintas ir pataisytas MAN F2000 vilkikas. Modo versija – 2.

Credits: Chech, Indomable


27 thoughts on “MAN F2000 v 2.0

  1. Nice to update it.

    But I am sorry to tell you that your truck gives too many restrictions to play the game …so many things to avoid crashes…

    I will download an other version of MAN F2000 which will be less restricted for playing and to avoid game crashes.

    Anyway thanks for your efforts !

    1. MetalcoreTrucker91

      okay first thanks for your words.
      but i have one question to you why is it so hard, if you are not sure wich are the recomendebles, to copy all given stuff an activate it ???
      by the way i fix it only for you ^^

    1. why do you always post privat videos

      1. Not private !!

    1. MetalcoreTrucker91

      my opinion xD

  2. MetalcoreTrucker91
  3. change link please ?

  4. Please remove driver from cab. Or at least please add version with doubt one. Other than that, keep up good work.

    1. MetalcoreTrucker91

      i removed driver but there is no driver in cabin because the distance between steering wheel and seat is to big for original driver, if he is sitting inside he sit in the air while he grab the steering wheel, dont know if you can edit original driver, the ugly second steering wheel is also removed

  5. Hey what do you think about adding bdf to this MAN F2000 ? 🙂

  6. MetalcoreTrucker91

    I remove the driver. i hate this too, but the other things had priority to me. Next update driver is gone. Uhm bdf im not a fan of bdf but i can try it.

  7. It would be awesome fo fit the BDF chassis to MTP Tandem mod 🙂

    1. MetalcoreTrucker91

      this will need much time, at first i try a “meiller kipper”

      1. Okay 🙂 When I can expect the next update? 🙂

  8. MetalcoreTrucker91

    i dont know yet. i can say when i start working on bdf, i hope you dont mean “M”ultiple”T”railer”P”oints, because it is impossible. now i have to do some adjustments, shadow fixes and all those detail things -_-

    hope iam done with it in the next 2 days ^^

  9. No no I meant MTP is Moder Team Poland which had made Tandem Mod 🙂 I can wait for BDF but not so long for next update of MAN 😀

  10. MetalcoreTrucker91

    okay ^^ i hope i can bring next update on the weekend. iam almost done only shadows and badges are left ^^

  11. Okay that’s sounds great 🙂

  12. Thumbs up!

  13. sevrel times i have tried to download this truck, the download takes forever when any other mod that is the same size downloads in seconds. can you not make a more realible download link? mediafire or something

    1. MetalcoreTrucker91

      u have luck that i didn´t uploaded the new version today. i find a better hoster

      1. When you upload? Want to do some driving.

  14. MetalcoreTrucker91

    this night i start the upload. hope its done tommorow.

    1. MetalcoreTrucker91

      need one more day. it had extremlly problems to upload the mod

  15. Is there an template?

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