Pakeičia DAF sunkvežimį
Testuota 1.4.6 versija

Autorius: nežinomas


15 thoughts on “MAZ 5440A5 FINAL

  1. this mod is so ####

  2. only showing interior daff outside do have to start a new game

  3. almog223344


  4. Auther: shanson!!!!!

  5. Final with wipers that don´t work as they should. Bravo.

  6. Very Niceee!
    But which file is for the skin? can you tell it me Please?

  7. chatonopentelho

    sorry friend, but I did not install mod blocked, since that started acting like I did not lose more profiles or crash

  8. I love it ver cool and good and run in violated bar to n Baeder sound

  9. Gunther Willers

    Nice truck, but:
    – whipers don’t work,
    – bumper and light add-ons making the game crash!
    Love the interior and truck is great to drive.
    Fix the bugs and you have a wonderful truck.

  10. Marcelo Sanchez

    In ETS2 version 1.4.8 crashes the game.
    The second indoor game is DAF, something is wrong done.
    The truck is awesome, but has too many bugs.
    For beta, can be. For final version, lack much work for making…

  11. I am using 1.4.8 with TSM 3.5 and have no issues but some mods will cause conflicts. I would suggest you delete all your mods and reinstall them one by one. Great game and good luck

    1. Marcelo Sanchez

      I dont use any mod, only this.

  12. Marcelo Sanchez

    The mod fails when salts to the menu screen.
    Not appears the truck background, and at the moment hangs the game.
    it is a pity, the truck is excellent, like the sound.
    But if I do not enter to the menu screen, I can not choose cargo and destination.

  13. Marcelo Sanchez

    If what he said mate “glojo” is accurate,
    means that this model was created to TSM.
    Two problems:
    – do not know the author.
    – the files are closed.
    Has no solution.
    It is a waste of time!

  14. Marcelo Sanchez

    Authors: Shanson, KAMAZNIK
    Envelope in the ETS 2: maz_man

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