Tiuningas visiems vilkikams v1.7.0


Autorius Kyto


19 thoughts on “Tiuningas visiems vilkikams v1.7.0

  1. Why this mod always crach when I chose an modified Cabe from Mercedes?

    1. PanzerRanger

      I have the same problem but I managed to narrow it down to the truckshop unlock mod in my case. Since they made changes to certain parts in files that are part of the truckshop unlock mod changes it crashes my game. Do you use a truckshop unlock mod?

      1. I use only the Actros cream black red interior and the “Sorglos modpack by Icemann”.

  2. Makes my game crash.

  3. chassis mod work on scania?

  4. This happends with my game to. Exept that I drive Vovlo (the new one afther the patch)

  5. some #### again.

  6. What is different for Mega Store 1.7 mod

  7. Kyto

    Why don’t u call this version v1.7.1 or v1.8?

    The previous version is 1.7, therefore this version cannot be called v1.7.0 ^^

    (did you need a few fix in this interval hours?) np

    Doesn’t matter if the game’s version is 1.7. don’t do it this correlation, plz


  8. Seriously dude this mod doesn’t do a whole lot but crash the game I’m getting tired seeing a “new” version every two days make it work well or don’t release it. I believe you have potential to make this a very good mod 🙂

  9. I’m on 1.7 version and using 20 + mods with this. Didn’t crash a single time. If your game crashing than you got conflict with some mods.
    As mine don’t crash seems that mod is legit.
    Only give us some new tires and rims if you can.
    Also i don’t use other shop mods, like ultimate or truck shop v8, this is only shop/store mod. Using lot of other skins, RED etc
    Thanks for mod man 🙂

  10. Kyto
    thanks again.
    it always works like a charm – pls confirm this is a 1.7.1

    All others complaining about crashes: there is one or more mods from your folder that is not good coded as kyto. it conflicts and crash.
    Personally I have issue only with Scania R700 from AU77.

  11. lol, guys this old version reupload is done by someone total ######…

  12. paul hodgson

    Hi i found some of it works on my game but would like all of the mod to work and why is it we never get a reply from the mod maker to give us help.

  13. I personally think its funny that the mod maker dont write anything either. That probably means that this mod is stolen from somebody else.

  14. salut kyto j adore ton mod bon travail j ai toutes les versions mais la derniere est bien travail, c est super allez bon courage et a bientôt j espéré.

  15. WORKS!

  16. Why is it every time i try any mega mods it always scrambles my words into blocks?

  17. hello since the last update my bumpers are red with these mod can you fix it please

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