MMG žemėlapis Demo 6

MMG-MAP-Demo-6-1 MMG-MAP-Demo-6-2

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Testuotos versijos: 1.9.22, 1.10.1

Autorius: M.M.Gunawardana


23 thoughts on “MMG žemėlapis Demo 6

  1. GhostRunner

    lol we will have to revise your geography

    1. Well, he makes a fantasy map with some random terrain. I guess he still didn’t bother with files regarding city names. But as he stated, it’s still work in progress, so I’m pretty sure it ain’t supposed to be so at the end.

  2. Анонимен

    а защо Демо ? :O

    1. MigaraMadawa


  3. а защо Демо ?

  4. This Is Demo Version
    or Original game ?

    is dit Demo Version of Original spel ?

  5. почему не возможно попасть на этот участок дороги, нет въезда?

  6. thetrickster182

    I need have the Demo 3 and 4 and 5? Or is a fully new map?

    1. MigaraMadawa

      This Is full Map.

  7. is a fully new map.
    Awesome map !!!!!
    New cities name ???
    Awesome, excelent map !!!

  8. new cities name are taked in north africa map

    1. one most and other is used in expanded tsm map names

  9. ghost-truck

    Yehhh you are crazy lol i love it but pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaas my gps don’t work it don’t show the way no Km and even mony 345$ for 600km pleas can you tell me why
    and pleas can u get a lowder sound the same but juste lowder
    very good idia :)good luck and thank you 🙂

  10. You are becoming a bit of a joke..

    You are doing a great job, but still a demo???

    Make a finished version, THAN expand on it…

  11. gostei do que vi nesse mapa, pois falta estradas de terra e ambientes assim nos mapas atuais. parabéns pela iniciativa desse mapa!! mas gostaria de dar uma opinião a respeito do inicio e no alto e no final de cada subida que tem no mapa, infelizmente o caminhão pula demais devido ao jeito que foi projetado cada subida , acho que deveria ser como nós outros mapas, e por fim as pontes que tem, acho que deveria ser como nas árias rurais sendo de madeira, mas não fazendo com que os caminhões fique prezo entre uma madeira e outra , no mais tá lindo o mapa, parabéns pela iniciativa e espero que consiga resolver esses pequenos obstáculos na hora da edição!!!

  12. I liked what I saw that map, it lacks dirt roads and environments like the current maps. Congratulations on the initiative of this map! but would like to give an opinion about the beginning and at the top and end of each climb that has the map, unfortunately the other truck jumps due to the way it was designed every climb, I think we should be like other maps, and finally bridges that have, I think it should be like in rural arias being wooden, but not making the trucks get between a wood and cherish each other, the more the map’re gorgeous, congratulations for the initiative and hope that you can solve these small obstacles when editing!

  13. Lol the geography is messed up, I think you should make a standalone map, meaning that the map is not connected from europe.mdb, but from a new .mdb file.

    1. ghost-truck

      yes i think too but it’s a very good map a new ets lol

  14. Awesome mod!
    but, I can’t browse entire map. It’s cut off at the right edge.

  15. Interesting work, but I think you should really pay attention to road curves. You make them with square lines (I can imagine why though, it’s faster in editor), which really bothers the eyes and make your map look childish. If you’d correct that, that would be a big step forward.

  16. Cordial saludo, quisiera saber como instalo el DLC oriente, si alguno me ayuda gracias.

  17. what map is this? , stop puttin’ this ####

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