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34 thoughts on “MMG MAP ETS2 Demo 3

  1. Compatible tsm 5.0 ?

    1. Yes. Works very well.

  2. vai funcionar com o mapa tsm

    1. MigaraMadawa

      compatible with TSM

  3. thx for sharing

    why citie’s names r Dortmund, Algiers, Bruno…?

    when u fix it, ETS2 still log this errors

  4. Algier and Tunis, they moved to Eastern Europe?

  5. GamerHacker

    Please send me your road prefarbs and other models,they are perfect!

    1. MigaraMadawa

      There Are Orginal Game Data and Some Datas TSM 5.0

      1. GamerHacker

        How to find that from TSM 5.0 ?
        Please Help! 😀

        1. MigaraMadawa

          Copy And Past TSM_Map_5_def&mat/TSM_Map_5_model_01/TSM_Map_5_model_02/TSM_Map_5_model_03/TSM_Map_5_prefab&more to USER/My Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mods And Open Your Map on editor

  6. ola esto funciona con las otras versiones del MMG

  7. love this part of the map! dirt roads everything that ets2 is not. if the whole map was like this ets2 would be a1.

  8. there almost all TSM 5.0

  9. ETS2 player

    thanks! but…have six files, all six files into the game? I have seen several similar file names.

    1. MigaraMadawa

      Yes But I Don’t no How To add the New Names For Citys

  10. New profile ?

    1. MigaraMadawa

      You Can Play with Old Profile

      1. Thanks

  11. finaly some offroad action.this is what this game needed to make more enjoyable.hope you add more offroad on your final.

    1. MigaraMadawa


  12. I was looking for good off-road map for a long long time. and finally!!
    Awesome mod! Thank you,thank you very much.

    1. MigaraMadawa

      Thank Your Comment.Please Report The Bugs

      1. 1.There is a wall in the truck service parking lots in Dortmund.
        2.AI cars and trucks run in a single wheel suddenly. I think it might happen on asphalt part in country roads.
        -Sorry for my lack of English. I’d like to supplement my words with 3 pictures.

        1. MigaraMadawa

          ReUpload The Picture.

  13. Great, Great, Awesome map and Awesome Mapper Mr. M.M.Gunawardana !!!!
    Only one thing: Map crashes in Brno., Fix it, please !!!
    a site for report bugs?

    1. MigaraMadawa

      Thanks.Brno Is Not Fix On This Map.This Is Demo on Algier,Alexandroupoli,Dortmund,Tunis

  14. And the name of the cities….. ¿?

  15. esse mapa e bugado nas entradas para as enpresas e tem uma parede invisivel, mais no jogo ele aparece aberto

  16. plz how about ?

    1. MigaraMadawa

      Does TSM Map 5.0 Is Work With My Map Is Work

  17. Awesome map? thanks for sharing)

  18. Torrent, pls :/

  19. There is a invisible wall in Dortmund delivery center of transi net and my delivery is just behind that wall
    Plz help

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