Standartinė balta priekaba


Priekaba pakeičia Tradeaux



15 thoughts on “Standartinė balta priekaba

  1. Can you make all copanies trailers white too please? 🙂

    1. All companies? I can give it a shot

      1. Yes! Great 🙂

  2. jeffreysouilljee

    YES finaly someone who made a simple white trailer,

    been waiting for this for months

    thank you

  3. This is scary – I made the same mod for the same company ages back for screenshot purposes (but didn’t release) and was thinking about releasing it yesterday :O Ah well, nice work mate!

    1. What a coincidence! Well, it seems i uploaded before. lol. Before i learnt hoe to skin i always wanted a plain white trailer and now i can skin i did one and all the mods i do i realise to this website

      1. to*

  4. Sorry for this, but how’s the project going? Can’t wait! 🙂

    1. Its good BUT I have lost the Eurogoodies and the EuroAcres DDS and TOBJ files so i cant make them plain 🙁 But the others i can!

      1. Glad to hear from you. No problems, looking forward to the release!

        1. Ok, so its ok tough eurogoodies and euroacres wont be plain trailers?

          1. Yeah that’s ok! 🙂

  5. I am having some issues and making other mods so it may take longer. Sorry m8

  6. Ok No problems. Looking forward! 🙂

  7. scaniar440

    when all trailers get this colore??

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