(EN) Rantkel HD Graphics v 3.0

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14 thoughts on “(EN) Rantkel HD Graphics v 3.0

  1. Downloading 🙂

  2. Can I use your mod HD Grapgics v 3.0 in my mod More realistic with your agreement? I give credits.

  3. Winter mod with 17 Celsius degrees temperature?

  4. What is this first Volvo, private or downloadable?

  5. Sleepforever

    it’s not working. Ugly…

  6. MacedonianWarrior

    This is old mod !!! I see it, NO DOWNLOADING !

    1. Walter Plinge

      – Changed version, and now works with 1.15.x and 1.16.x

      1. AlexCrazy

        nothing changed here? all files old – spring & summer 2014

        1. MacedonianWarrior
  7. some people around here should stick to driving trucks and let the modding to people who know what they’re doing…

  8. AlexCrazy


  9. Sorin Patrik

    Chill out people, the 1st photo is mine . I used Realistic Lighting 🙂 This guy just stole my picture to use here

  10. link truck ?

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