Tikri priekabų svoriai




8 thoughts on “Tikri priekabų svoriai

  1. Good mod, works perfect on 1.12x

  2. the next crappy #### mod

    It adds the weight of the trailer to the weight of the cargo.

    no way by scs to change the weights

    1. You do realize that irl the trailer weight is included in the cargo weight when crossing tolls/ect.
      Learn your facts before criticizing a mod that you yourself cannot do better.

      1. agreed

    2. He was saying that SCS the company that made the game didn’t add a way to change the weight of the trailer/loads, but actually if you go in the config file you can change the mass which should be represented in the physics engine making the truck have more issue pulling it.

  3. I was under the impression SCS already add the trailer weights to the cargo, but don’t show it in the game panels.
    If that is the case, this mod would seem somewhat redundant.
    This is still a better mod than one I have seen that simply ramps all cargo weights up to 100 tons.

  4. For some strange reason i can’t download this mod. Tried to download it with 3 different browsers and no go at all, could you please fix the download link?

  5. Every job disappears immediately when enable this mod 😛

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