Tikroviška kamera visiems vilkikams




9 thoughts on “Tikroviška kamera visiems vilkikams

  1. I’m still looking for a interior view that is slightly raised/higher up than the default camera is in the game. I’ve sat in a couple of these trucks and you’re truly much higher up than in the game. If anyone is willing to design a mod that allowed us to adjust our interior camera, or just an interior camera that is slightly raised, that would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

  2. Realistic?
    How tall are you? Like 1,20 meters?

  3. MidniteTrain

    What a load of ####. This is the view I had when I was 13 Driving our 10ton inter on our peanut farm. I sit taller in the seat now as would everyone else.

  4. Sorry for the noob question, but what’s the difference from the original?

  5. its like i’m small child that want to drive truck, all i can see its my steering wheel

  6. This is the best one when it comes to camera mods:

  7. KenworthTX

    For me this mod of cameras working perfect:

  8. cette position est pour les enfant tous les camions ou la majorité on les siège réglable je le sait je suis routier de mod est nul

  9. Can it work for all american trucks?

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