Tikroviškesnės fizikos modas v4.0


Modo versija – 4.
Testuota su ETS 2 atnaujinimais ( 1.1.1, 1.1.3,, 1.3.1 )

Autorius: KacaK

SIŲSTI 8.6 KB be greičio limito (180km/h)
SIŲSTI 8.6 KB su greičio limitu (90km/h)

18 thoughts on “Tikroviškesnės fizikos modas v4.0

  1. not working with TSM MAP 2.2 🙁

  2. Hi,what is new in this mod from oldies 1.6?

  3. Realistic physics mod v1.1
    Realistic physics mod v1.2
    Realistic physics mod v1.3
    Realistic physics mod v1.4
    Realistic physics mod v1.5
    Realistic physics mod v1.6
    Realistic physics mod v1.7
    Realistic physics mod v4.0

    Well, that escalated quickly

  4. not working with TSM MAP!!!!! 🙁

    1. No #### sherlock!

  5. this mod has nothing to do with Oscar Lee nfshp253
    Realistic Physics Mod v1.7

  6. This mod need suspencion for second wheel on truck. 🙁

    Sorry for my English, it isn’t my mother language.

  7. This is the best realistics mod!
    tanx a lot

    1. and nicotine and alcohol are not dangerous
      but the sounds good

    2. you should get driving licence and drive even 500000km that you know cab moves.. if this is realistic.. im bill gates!!!

  8. DanishTrucker

    ist not realistic…

    1. I totally agree with danish trucker on this one..
      watch this if you are in doubt.
      Yes the cabin moves on a truck, but it sure doesent move as much as it does in this mod…! If it moved this much you wouldnt be able to keep the coffee in your cup.. 😉

  9. When the truck moves backwards I can´t stop it.

    1. Nice Driver

      same here , and the without limiter 180km/h doesn`t work.

    2. it cause ur physics..

  10. R gear to reverse without stopping.

  11. Where can i download the Frans Maas trailer?

  12. A High Hamster

    Amazing mod works perfect! best one yet :3

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