(EN) Renault Magnum Catetpillar Skin

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12 thoughts on “(EN) Renault Magnum Catetpillar Skin

  1. I think that the people will be only too glad if You will make similar skins for other trucks.Because this skin a good.Thank you for this mod.

    1. HenriqueSantos

      Hello, very thank you for your comment, and I will carry forward the thought of making the skins to the other truck manufacturers.

  2. Thx nice mod , Link of wheels please amazing wheels !

    1. HenriqueSantos

      hello, thank you for your comment 🙂

      Link Wheels and tires: https://ets2.lt/en/off-road-wheels-3/

      1. Hey , Thank you for the link 🙂 You are a great man 😀

  3. Excellent skin. Make please for MB MP4.

    1. HenriqueSantos

      Thank’s for you coment..
      I think next week I will have other models ready for download 😉

  4. Bonjour,

    le mod que vous avez créer je le trouve super !!!!!! Est ce qu’il serait serait possible de créer un mod avec des skins de camions caterpillar et des remorques sous types convois exceptionnel ???



    1. HenriqueSantos

      Bonjour Martin, d’accord?

      Merci pour votre commentaire.
      Je pense qu’il est possible oui, mais besoin d’étudier un peu plus pour cela. Mais je pense que dans la fabrication des remorques avec de grandes machines.

      Dans ma situation actuelle je utiliser le mod “High Cargo” de la SCS et quelques mods supplémentaires. Et un autre mod que je l’aime est celui qui entre dans le vrai nom dans les affaires. Donc obtenir les résultats que les images dans ce poste.

      Salutations du Brésil

  5. DOESN T WORK FOR ME!!!! HELP please
    i tried with no othe mods
    the skin isnt there

    1. HenriqueSantos

      Hello Peter, how are you?

      See you are entering in the mod folder .SCS or RAR file, because this is a common mistake that people make.

      Apart from that, honestly I have no idea why it does not work. Because it was done simply. for vehicles the game itself.

      Does the version of your game is too old? This also should not generate errors.

      I hope you get lucky, and if you can solve, let us know so we know what was the problem occurred.

  6. Driusbrunnen

    I need a password

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