Renault Range T 1.12.1s. pataisytas!


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Pataisyta klaida, dėl kurios mesdavo klaidas.
Testuota 1.12.1 versija.

Diesel3d, Oleg, SCS, Apex


19 thoughts on “Renault Range T 1.12.1s. pataisytas!

  1. New Renault Range T 1.12.1s. fixed!

  2. Sarkissian

    Make it standalone!!!

  3. interior???

  4. Why don’t you make it standalone? Thx anyway.

  5. do you still need to start a new game to get this truck??

  6. GPS please

  7. crazy admin of that site stop deleting my comments.. What is the difference if i use a real name or just asdaadfadf? ###?

  8. ExperimentalTrucker

    Hello. Please make this a standalone truck. Also, if possible, could some chassis options be added & the option of having company logo skins be added to please? Thanks. Works well.

  9. still no own interior?

  10. Hello I downloaded the truck and there is such a thing when I changed my cabin cabin does not fit under the color of what might be the problem so it looks like I have version 1.13.3

  11. Ahmed Mohey

    does this work with 1.15.1 patch?

    if not do you plan on publishing another one with real interior?


  12. Elitesquad Modz

    Ugliest truck in the world but nice created!!!

  13. Do it works on 1.19.2?

  14. A good model, but when I saw that the cabin is sadness
    Sorry my bad english..

  15. alaskabaer01

    No Sound. Is this an Electric Truck??

  16. clive Pratten


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