Ro žemėlapio papildymas v2.9.5


Naujoje versijoje:
Naujas Craiova miestas
Didelė kompanija Craiovos mieste
Nauji uždaryti keliai
Nauji keliai
Pataisytos klaidos Debrecene
Nauji Rumuniški modeliai

Veikia su TSM ir ProMods žemėlapiais.

Traian, FLD, moldoveanu


36 thoughts on “Ro žemėlapio papildymas v2.9.5

  1. Work with the patch 1.9 ?

  2. it not work in version 1.9 I just tested

  3. Sorry but patch 1.9 does nor exist …

  4. Actually 1.9 Does Exist. Is Currently Available To Steam Users And Will Be Available To Non Steam Users Soon.

  5. 1.9 Ruined Kacak’s physics mod 8.0 for me, brace yourselves for some mod pains.

    1. renaulthater

      Same here. It ruined my Realistic physics mod 1.9 by Oscar Lee. My suggestion is too disable all map mods and physics mods. When SCS release 1.9 official we will see more mods which will be compatible with 1.9. For example promods 1.6. 1.52 makes the game crash just like romania map 5.2+dlc

    2. if the devs put up that the physics in 1.9 have been changed why do you except that a mod that does that too to still work

  6. I’m version 1.9.2s 😉

    1. What :((
      It isn’t available to official game website …
      Or it’s available just on stem ?

  7. Андрей

    ты чего городишь дядя?ты слепой?в стиме нету этой версии.не надо мозги пудрить.

  8. STEAM Version – 1.9.2s

  9. Traian, am vazut unde vine Buzau-l 😀

  10. No function to v 1.9.x

  11. What do you think? I’m with Steam version 1.9.2s

  12. Tuesday, March 4, 2014

    Euro Truck Simulator 1.9 Open Beta

    It has taken us a lot of fine-tuning, but finally we are very close to releasing the 1.9 update for Euro Truck Simulator 2.

    We have spent considerable time in closed beta testing, and we feel the stability of the build is now very solid. That’s why we would like to invite everybody in our fanbase for the final check. Hopefully, if things prove solid under such a scrutiny, the final official retail/Steam update may only be hours or at worst days away from us.

    We are making the open beta only available on Steam. We know that there might be grumbling about it, but as each additional publicly available patch causes future patches to get bigger and take longer to apply, we try hard to avoid having to release hot-fixes to major game updates.

  13. Thank you Steve is trying to make me look like a liar but they do not watch news on games lol

  14. sorry to use your replies to post this,i just wanted to
    let people know the new info. from world of trucks latest post.

  15. Yes it is and thanks Steve 😉

  16. We must create new profile or it work with existed profile ?

  17. BamditGamingHD

    Ro Map Add-On v.2.9.5 | New city CRAIOVA —>

  18. doesnt work with tsm map and some other mods like 50k mods

  19. very good working with dlc and can t wait to reach Mures.I hope u will do it

  20. fratioare fiindca sti sa construiesti mapa in ets, league-o de asta care ti-o las aici in acest link, pt ca sa apara mai super

  21. ba voi testati macar hartile?plm ai pus si tu vreo 2 blocuri si logane de politie si gata harta cu 3 orase ce sa zic strada de tot rahatu’ si numai zic ca pana si bordurile iti distrug masina multumita autostrazii din harta pardon drumului de tara mai invata si apoi da si la altii lectii fara suparare…

  22. Da! Harta este practic nefunctionabila. Nu este compatibila dupa cum s-a spus cu TSM. AM testat acum si in primul rand ca GPSul nu recunoaste nici o ruta din TSM. In al doilea rand, hartile fara semne de circulatie si fara implementarea AI in mapa face ca AI sa se comporte anarhic fara sa respecte semne, prioritati si chiar si in sensul giratoriu un Autobuz a luat-o de-a dreptul fara sa tina cont de circulatia din cerc.
    Deci! AM incercat pentru a patra oara harta gen ad-onn si imi pare rau ca trebuie sa o spun dar nu e o harta pe care se poate cu adevarat juca.

  23. SI inca ceva: scala hartii este iar eronata. Bucureti nu se afla pe harta acolo unde se pare ca va fi alocat hartii. Orasul Craiova si Drobeta TUrnu Severin sunt MULT PREA LA EST asezate pe harta. Pe harta adevarata soseaua de la Brasov spre Bucuresti este aproape perpendiculata. In aceasta harta insa drumul o ia mult prea mult spre stanga deci spre est.
    Consider ca harta ar trebui replasata si reasezata astfel incat sa se potriveasca.

  24. harta functioneaza cu TSM4.5.9 E adevarat ca mai trebuie lucrat la ea dar functioneaza

    1. Eu m-as bucura sa mearga. Sunt membru TSM de ceva timp si iti spun ca nu a functionat pana acum nici o harta atasata la TSM cu o probabilitate de 100%. Tot ce nu atinge acest procent nu este pentru mine functionabila.
      In primul rand GPS ul nu recunoaste nici o ruta , in al doilea rand, primul contract in general este un drum de 1Km sau maxim 10Km. Ei pe mine m-a trimis direct de la Brason la Calais in Franta fara GPS 🙂

  25. If v.1.9.2 has not yet been published, what is this addon does not work with the current v.

  26. remingtonh

    A couple of basic questions:

    Is this mod added in addition to Romanian Map v 5.2 + DLC?

    If so, than would I be correct in assuming Romanian Map v 5.2 + DLC works *with* TSM?

    Do I have to start a new profile?


  27. this is an ad-on works with dlc +tsm 4.5.9 .romanian map v5.2 is a separate map

    1. remingtonh

      OK thanks. It seems there are many different Romanian Maps. I’ll give this a try.

  28. oh and u do not need to start new profile

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