Rumunijos žemėlapis (Išleistas) BETA


Kad žaistumėte šiame žemėlapyje reikia susikurti naują profilį.
Testuota su 1.3.1 versija
Planuojami šio žemėlapio atnaujinimai.

Autorius: elyxir
Didelė padėka : patrasc, Bulina, eudorel ir Daser!


69 thoughts on “Rumunijos žemėlapis (Išleistas) BETA

  1. at last! i find already on spanish site… :p

    1. Italian 😛 .

    2. Ca sa nu va bateti capu’ cu activarea urmati acest tutorial singurul dezavantaj este ca nu va va merge radio-ul …

      To don’t mess with activation just follow this tutorial but the radio will stop working if you block it in the firewall ..

  2. Does it work with TSM 2.0 or must no other maps or what else map mods can be with this map

    1. ofcourse all publish maps work sametime!! (assume it dont work on tsm map sametime)

  3. Mere si pe 2.5.1?

    1. nu, nu merge!

      1. Si sunt sperante sa apara si pt 2.5.1?

        Multam Fain!

  4. Amazing work mate! Great map! will the map work on all cities and places or just a specific town/countrY?…

    Many Thanks!

  5. Takes up too much GB it lags my whole game!

    1. right-click properties and select advanced, then compress

  6. audiquattros1

    I have a level 15 profile and it works perfectly!! Cheers mate great job 😉

  7. Funktioniert 1a mit Map 2.0 und 1.3.1. Aber was mich stört das andere Länder verschwinden , deshalb habe ich es deaktibiert wieder

  8. szetland2013

    generally cool.
    map and not a stand-alone add-on.
    AI drivers – a tragedy

    ogólnie fajne.
    samodzielna mapa a nie dodatek.
    AI kierowców – tragedia

  9. y can only use one map

    1. Baba they dont get it even it is sayed almost everytime when new map appear… other people say that yes they got 2 maps sametime… if thats true why only one user say that is possible.. 🙂 but let them try….

  10. szetland2013

    generally cool.
    map and not a stand-alone add-on.
    AI drivers – a tragedy

    ogólnie fajne.
    szkoda, że to samodzielna mapa a nie dodatek
    i inteligencja AI kierowców – tragedia

  11. This map is only of romania. the rest of the original map has been dropped. I have gone to level 20 so far with high defination mod and 25 other mods I normally use with original map and have absolutely no problems.
    The scenery is totally different than the original and is superb in design. I even added snow 1.3.1 and fully compatible thruout. My only problem is my processor is just a little slow and get some pauses during scene loading. I am extremely happy to see someone as a team due their homework and produce a complete beta with so far no errors. I give this team effort a 10 out of 10 rating and now back to driving, I’M loving it. Bye for now and keep up the good work.

  12. buna …. abia acum amterminat de facut vreo 2 curse…sunt foarte placut surprins de rezultatul baietilor….misto peisajul…shi chiar arata a romania pot zice…pana acum nu am brobleme cu hata…am pus si modul cu remorcile romanesti…tot ce-mi da eroare e doar steam-ul…insa banuiesc ca nu tine de harta ci mai mult de copia jocului…inca o data bravo celor ce au lucrat la harta…

    1. multumesc frumos
      thx all

  13. Just started this map and ain’t not seen any boring motorways yet…. Mods which didn’t work with tsm works with this map like yellow headlights… Don’t like driving really long routes and this map seems to be big enough.. seem better than original map.. got police cars and policeman at a truck crash…. Got to start from scratch. Gonna be playing this one now

    1. Well, that’s because in Romania we only have 2 motorways. 😛

      1. That’s so true 🙂 haha

  14. That’s good to know…. Motorways are only good for going 100 mph…… Or more…

  15. I like the fact ya can’t really overtake on single lane roads because ya can’t. Always see the traffic coming and traffic can be slower… More realistic

  16. how do you make a folder for ETS2

  17. The cities are just copied and pasted from original ETS2 map…

    1. It’s BETA Version. New cities in updates !

  18. Buna…am descarcat modul cu romanian cand intru in joc imi cere codul de activare…ma poate ajuta cineva?Mersi

    1. Iti trebuie codul, licenta pentru activare.

      1. Si de unde pot face rost de licienta?

  19. mie numi merge harta din ce cauza? sunt si mai greu de cap.. vreun site de unde sa o descarc poate nam descarcato bine

    1. Trebuie sa ai versiunea 1.3.1s, harta pe care ai descarcat-o o pui in My doc/ETS2/mods iar cand intri in joc dai pe profil nou.

  20. Please comment in enlish becaue everyone don’t understand other language

  21. Considering it is a map that includes Romania, it is normal to have comments in romanian language :).

    1. Sharp Chronisch

      No, Daser,

      it’s just a matter of politeness to use a language everyone understands.

      lever dood as slav
      Freiheit statt Sharia

    2. Daser si pt apare?Multam fain!

  22. poi asa am facut Daser dar numi merge. am niste moduri si leam scos si alea mam gandit ca poate din cauza lor, dar tot nu merge nici asa. poate nu am descarcato eu de unde trebuie. ms

  23. Great job. It has a problem or two, but it’s a really nice map. Fun driving.

  24. armandwtzw

    product key ets2 v 1.3.1?

    1. NO KEYS HERE!

    2. Jack Rogers

      Product key can be obtained inside the box the game comes with.

    3. and click buy, after this action scs send key to you…

  25. armandwtzw

    Cuvantul Tradus: sory anyway I found the ets 2 v 1.3.1 without having to wax product key ets2 v1.3.1s ets2 not update is installed

  26. Szekeres Gábor

    How can i download this? Ooops!!!!

  27. Ссылка на карту не работает

  28. Download link is no longer available.. It says you don’t have any resources left or something. You can only get it if you have MediaPro which costs money and is for said reason not an option, please update!

  29. please upload on billion-uploads

  30. MattNowear

    Am I able to combine some mod mod traffic and trailers into the mod map folder ?

  31. download it and testing right now….

  32. Ma ajuta si pe mine cineva sa optin aceasta harta?? de unde o pot descarca ca de aici am incercat si numi merge

  33. i have black sky from jiu to deva.

  34. i have black sky from severeni to jiu and deva

  35. numi merge harta am descarcat v1.3.1 am facut si salvare noua si am scos si modurile pe care le aveam. mi se incarca pana la salvare ii dau sa mo deschida se incarca putin si dupa imi da eroare. care ii cauza nui terminata harta??? astept raspuns

  36. you have a great language in Romania, but no one other than a citizen of your country does not understand this so please write in English! Not all Chinese here speak Chinese, they try to speak English!


    aveți o limbă mare în România, dar nimeni altul decât un cetățean din țara dumneavoastră nu se înțelege acest deci vă rugăm să scrieți în limba engleză! Nu toate Chineză Vorbim aici chineză, ei încearcă să vorbească limba engleză!

    Vă rugăm să scrieți în limba engleză!

    1. De la un Român

      Domnule Mak-Kyver descarcati un pack in limba engleza sau afoloseste google transate daca nu iti convine româna “ENGLEZULE” Mr. Mak-Kyver download a pack in English or use Google Translate if you do not like Romanian “ENGLEZULE”

      1. soon aiva sama mitä sä sönkötät evvk! ku en sulta apua kuitenkaa pyydä!tää oli vaan tällänen yleinen pyyntö ku kaikki ei käytä mitää kääntäjiä! et käännä tää sit ja oo tyytyväine. pirä tunkkis..

  37. I downloaded V1.3.1 map name goes I did rescue and pulled and new ways that we had. loading up to rescue me give you a little mo open after loading it gives me error. who cause odd complete map?? please wait for response

  38. I have downloaded map out ways we did rescue us and all call go yes to load and gives me error what for??? completed map or odd? Please wait responded beautifully. I’m a huge fan of the game and are very desperate call goes map is the map that are novel and long wait

  39. Great Map!
    One of the best!
    works perfekt…

  40. Sal. am descaracat harta romaniei v1.3.1 si nu imi merge , incepe sa se incarce pana la jumate si imi iese din joc .Va rog ajutatima !!!

    1. Incearca cu profil nou.


  42. -=UPDATE=-

    .::Harta Romaniei by elyxir – Versiunea 1.0::.

    Acest Update contine :
    -rezolvarea bugurilor anuntate de voi
    -indicatoare la o distanta mai mare fata de locul initial
    -intersectii deblocate
    -masini care nu mai dispar
    -radare puse pe o limitare mai mica de viteza

    Instalarea se face :
    Harta se pune in locul celei vechi !

    “urmatorul update va fi foarte consistent”

    Download de: [URL=!B98lXJAb!TTkJfmBSfub3xp1fs7TKdUyJtKd3T9D-3lV3pKHd73w]AICI![/url]


    i have download the roumania’s map kai the version is 1.3.1 .i have started with a new profil kai i lost the old game’s map and appesrs only the roumania’s can i appear again the game’s map?

  44. Szekeres Gábor

    what is the password

  45. work this mod also in ets 2.5.1???

  46. va rog mult datimi si mie linkul de unde se poate descarca acest mod

  47. Alexgabor951

    pe 1.25 merge?

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