Rusijos žemėlapis v1.0 beta


Autorius: Kulibi552


4 thoughts on “Rusijos žemėlapis v1.0 beta

  1. I can´t see the russia map in the game :/ can someone help me please 😉 ??

    1. the russian portion ia lower right on the original map. two locations with three dock locations one of which is a maze around hills and tanks. No loads show up at all and it is structured like a single city with square blocks and long straight runs. its not worth the trouble to run. From me to designer, I want my 30 minutes of lost time restored, its a NO-GO for me.

  2. RubberDuck

    where can i find it on the original map ?

  3. Freddy Jimmink

    Uhum, it is a BETA version, so the definite version will com i think?



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