Rusiškų eismo mašinų paketas v 1.0.2


Paketą sudaro 48 rusiški eismo automobiliai

Autorius: Jazzycat


14 thoughts on “Rusiškų eismo mašinų paketas v 1.0.2

  1. Link doesn’t work

  2. Psycho_Yuri

    Download link broken?

  3. no funciona el enlace 🙁

  4. Would they appear in Russia (and Belarus I suppose) only, or everywhere on the map?

    1. Faelandaea

      Dejan – everywhere is the answer. I use all of jazzy’s awesome AI and trailer packs and all the AI appears everywhere I go. Jazzy’s packs also work great with every add-on map i use, including TSM, MHA, Hungary, Dutch Map (Netherlands) and a few others I drive.

      I hope this helps. In the download jazzy has a link to a web site where he maintains and shares his downloads also, so anytime a link on a site like ETS2 breaks, simply go there and you can always keep up with the latest of all of Jazzy’s packs.

      Now that I sound like a ###### advertisement, I am off to drive 🙂

  5. Excellent work. thanks.

  6. rubberduck

    Very Good Work and Running with Heavy Alex Map 1.5.1

    Great Idea Make Good Models….

  7. rubberduck


  8. So…. we have more car crashes ? or what ?

  9. yea thats treu Milan1Nl in russia there are alot of car crashen

  10. yea thats treu milan1nl in russia there are alot if car crashes

  11. which i choose when I use TSM map and russia map together

  12. lukas430000

    Works for the treat on 1.12.

    I am using most of Jazzy’s mods and they are awesome. Works with TSM5 map for me…

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